Supreme Court Summons NEC for a Conference Following UP’s Request for Mandamus

Diaspora News

Supreme Court Summons NEC for a Conference Following UP’s Request for Mandamus

IPNEWS – The Justice in Chamber at the Supreme Court of Liberia, Her Honor, Justice Jamesetta H. Wolokolie, has cited the National Elections Commission (NEC) by and thru its Executive Chairperson, Madam Davidetta Brown-Lassanah and all commissioners and officers for a conference with her on Thursday, September 28, at 3p.m. in connection with Unity Party’s petition for a Writ of Mandamus.

The nation’s highest court’s letter was directed at the Counsellor Moifee Kanneh, who represents the legal interests of the Commission.

Executive Chairperson of the National Elections Commission, Madam Davidetta Brown Lansanah

The opposition Unity Party says that the NEC is in violation of Chapter 4 Section 4.1(2) of the Elections Law on the conduct of Elections Voting Precincts.

UP, which is a duly registered, certified and accredited political party under the laws of Liberia, has participated in every election dating back from 1985, 1997, 2005, 2011, 2017 and will be participating in the forthcoming Presidential and Legislative Elections slated for October 10, 2023.

“That on August 31st, 2023, Appellant (UP) filed a complaint bringing to the attention of the National Elections Commission (NEC) 92 Voting Precincts with voting population over the numbers required by Section 4.1(2) of the New Elections Law of Liberia prior to the holding of the General and Presidential Elections scheduled for October 10, 2023,” UP told the Court among others.

The nation is on edge waiting to hear the outcome from the conference. There have been countless complaints of the election body allegedly refusing to publish the Final Registration Roll of eligible voters.

UP recently staged a peaceful protest before the Commission; it demanded that the Commission publishes the roll.

The Commission is yet to do so.

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