Liberia Needs Transformation

Diaspora News

Liberia Needs Transformation

-Says CPPโ€™s Montserrado County Campaign Chair, George Wisner


By Fred Mills

The Montserrado County Campaign Chair of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. George Wisner, has said that Liberia needs a transformation this October 10, 2023. Speaking at a presser on Tuesday, September 26, at his partyโ€™s headquarters in Sinkor, Wisner noted that for too long Liberians have suffered and insecurity has is on the increase under the George Weah-led Administration.

Wisner noted that if the Liberian voters elect Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, who is the Standard Bearer of the CPP, the country will become more stable. He added: “Liberia is all we have and as such this democracy needs to be protected.โ€

He thanked all Liberians for the manner in which they have conducted themselves in the days leading to the Presidential and Legislative Elections slated for October 10, 2023.

He informed his audience that CPP is expected to hold a rally on Sunday, October 1st, which he dubbed “Fixer Day”. He stressed that Liberia is at an important point and that the elections should be taken seriously by all.

Also at the presser, two endorsements were done. Some former members of the Council of Patriots and over 200 teachers from Paynesville Teachers Association pledged their support to the presidential bid of Cummings.

Receiving the new partisans on behalf of the CPP, Wisner welcomed the group to the party and promised to work with them to help changeย theย country.

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