Kemayah Suffers Saudi Arabia 2Million Dragnet

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Kemayah Suffers Saudi Arabia 2Million Dragnet

IPNEWS: While the ink of the protest for the restitution of 21,000 intended for distance substance allowances (DSA) for the United Nations General Assembly by Liberiaโ€™s Foreign Minister D. Maxwell Kamayah, is yet dry, unimpeachable sources within the diplomatic circles have hinted an intense lobby of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the restitution of two million United States dollars provided for the refurbishing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Liberia.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia support which was made possible through the instrumentality of Minister Kamayahโ€™s predecessor, former Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Milton Findley, prior to his resignation in July 2020, had earlier requested 2.5 million in food aid and resources for the refurbishing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to diminishing effects since its last renovation by the Chinese in 2004.

former Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Milton Findley, & the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee

In December 2022, the government, and people of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee assured the government of Liberia of US$2 million donation for renovation works of Liberiaโ€™s Foreign Ministry.

Amb. Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee said the US$2 million donation for renovation works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is part of an effort of the Saudi Fund for Development in Liberia that includes US$500,000 towards food assistance.

โ€œThe Saudi Fund for Development is carrying out some level of development in the country including US$500,000 food assistance and US$2 million donation for the renovation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,โ€ Amb. Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee affirmed.

True to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia pledge to provide 2.5 million to Liberia, the Kingdom through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee, accredited to Liberia, residence in the Ivory Coast, ordered the disbursement of the Funds in a communication to the government of Liberia on September 17, 2022.

kingdom of Saudi Arabia approval letter of 2.5 million grant

Following the disbursement of Funds in September 2022, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia again through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, communicated with its Liberian counterparts dated November 14, 2022, notifying it of the dispatch of a four men delegation to follow up on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs renovation project for which two million United States dollars of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia Development Fund was disbursed.

kingdom of Saudi Arabia letter of notification of its team to Liberia

Regrettably, the four men team arrived on November 20, 2022, via Ethiopian Airlines to an unfavorable astonishment the team met no renovation in motion neither could Foreign Minister D. Maxwell Saah Kamayah, account for the disbursed 2million United States dollars up to current.

Represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Thelma E. Sawyer, the four men delegation led by Saudi Ambassador, Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee, donated 50 metric tons of date to the people and government of Liberia, as part of the 500,000.00 previously pledged in food aid while Minister Kemayah was nowhere to be seen.

Deputy Foreign Minister Thelma E. Sawyer, meeting the four men delegation led by Saudi Ambassador, Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee,

Date, an eatable commodity, is an iconic symbol of Arabian hospitality that contained nutrients and is famous for a break of fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Now that Minister D. Maxwell Saah Kemayah, is yet to renovate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic sources tell the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, that the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee in Abidjan, the Ivory Coast, will shortly formally request refund under the principal of South-South Corporation. Investigation Continues…

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