“Prince Johnson Has Hijacked the Unity Party”

Diaspora News

“Prince Johnson Has Hijacked the Unity Party”

-Amb. Louis G. Brown States


Seykajipo Amegashie writes

Former Ambassador and Minister of Information, Mr. Louis G. Brown, has indicated that Sen. Prince Y. Johnson of Nimba County has hijacked and is now managing the Unity Party of Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

Appearing on OK FM’s Afternoon Conversation in Monrovia, Brown stated that Sen. Johnson’s present level of involvement in the Unity Party signifies that to him that Liberians are headed for trouble.

Unity Party’s Standard Bearer Joseph Nyuma Boakai and Nimba County Senator Prince Y. Johnson

The former Minister of Information also indicated that it is unfortunate for the Unity Party to be associating with the Nimba County Senator. He insinuated that the party should by now dissociate itself from the Senator, who was a former warlord of the now defunct Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL).

Brown, who served as former Ambassador to the UN, further noted strongly that the Joseph Nyuma Boakai in 2017 is not the same Joseph Nyuma Boakai today with the presence of Prince Y. Johnson.

He said though the people of Liberia are opting for the democratic removal of President George Manneh Weah, adding: “But we can’t risk the lives of our people with Boakai and Koung heading the leadership of this great country.”

Brown, who is the campaign spokesman for another opposition camp, Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), noted that Sen. Johnson was heard in an audio saying that due to the old age of Amb. Boakai, Sen. Jeremiah K. Koung as Vice President will do most of the President’s work.

Senator Prince Johnson, potential war crimes inductee

Speaking further, Amb. Brown stressed that Liberians cannot trust President George Manneh Weah and his CDC with the leadership of the country again “because nothing substantive has been achieved under his regime order than bringing in drugs to destroy the young people of the Liberia.”

He emphasized that the future of Liberia is at stake when the people of this country re-elect President Weah on October 10.

The former Information Minister in the erstwhile government of Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, suggested that the only person who is better prepared to lead Liberia is Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, standard bearer CPP. Amb. Brown then bragged about the success stories of Alex Cummings when he (Cummings) worked with Coca-Cola Company and that he has the ability to change this country for the better.

Senator Prince Y. Johnson and President George Weah when their relationship was smooth

He also used his time on the radio to inform Liberians about the CPP’s political rally that has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 1, 2023. According to him, the CPP is not in for the crowd competition, but that the Liberian people will turn out on Sunday to speak out clearly as to the direction of the country during these elections.

Brown called all undecided voters and the citizens of Liberia to join Cummings at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium.

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