District 10 Leads Unity Party Campaign Launch Buildup

Diaspora News

District 10 Leads Unity Party Campaign Launch Buildup

IPNEWS:  Massive build-up to Unity Party’s formal campaign launch re ongoing in several parts of Monrovia.  

IPNEWS team in various parts of the city report that partisans of the former ruling Unity party are now setting off to the Antonnet Tubman Stadium.

Along the Gainesville blet,  long cues of partisans were seen gathered awaiting busses to commute towards central Monrovia.

Large crowds are also seen coming from Brewerville, Logan Town Cinema,  point-4,  Sayon Town, Bushrod Island,  towards central town.

In the Sinkor suburb,  there are massive crowd build-up in the densely populated business hub of Old Road, a stronghold of President Cretic District 10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah.

Recently,  Unity Party Standard Bearer Joseph N.  Boakai was greeted with an unprecedented out-pulling crowd which rejuvenated the Unity Party’s election-winning spirit for a comeback.




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