Liberian-Flagged Vessel Suffers Harassment By Australian Authorities

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Liberian-Flagged Vessel Suffers Harassment By Australian Authorities

— As LISCR Launches Cohen Memorial Scholarship

IPNEWS: The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has banned the Liberian-flagged bulk carrier MSXT Emily from Australian waters for one year, after finding apparent serious issues of wage theft and seafarer mistreatment onboard.

Following a tip-off from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), AMSA inspected the ship at the Port of Hay Point, in Queensland, and found evidence of several violations of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.

The vessel had been chartered by K-Line to load a cargo of coal for discharge in Japan.

Seafarers onboard the vessel had not been paid in accordance with their Seafarer Employment Agreements: four contained apparently forged signatures from employees, and five seafarers appeared to have been coerced into signing new employment agreements that had lower salaries.

In one case, a seafarer had signed a new contract, while they still held a warranty valid for a further four months, for 50% less pay.

Inspectors found evidence that more than US$77,000 in unpaid wages had been owed to seafarers working onboard the MSXT Emily, with the ship’s operators (MSM Ship Management Pte Ltd China) attempting to pay the amount owed once they were aware that AMSA inspectors were onboard.

The vessel’s operator appears to have concealed this repeated wage theft.

AMSA Executive Director of Operations Michael Drake said this was a severe case of seafarer mistreatment. “Wage theft, forgery and coercion are serious matters, and I have been deeply troubled to hear of the conditions on the MSXT Emily,” he said.

“The workforce conditions onboard this vessel are a disgrace, and AMSA will not tolerate this in Australian waters. I want to acknowledge the role of the ITF in bringing this matter to our attention, and thank them for their continued advocacy for seafarer rights and welfare.”

Drake said that a one-year ban was necessary to send the message that seafarer welfare should be a priority for every shipping operator. “Our modern economy relies on the hard work these seafarers do, and when they are mistreated, the flow-on effects can be numerous,” he said. “Seafarers are at sea for months at a time, and if morale is low or they are in poor physical and mental health, it can increase the risk of something going wrong.

“The supply chain, including vessel charters like K-Line, needs to carefully consider which operators they engage to bring vessels to Australia. We’re imposing this lengthy ban as a clear deterrent and recognise that these essential workers deserve the dignity and respect of fair pay and good workplace conditions.”

Meanwhile, in recognition of the profound maritime contributions of LISCR Founder and Chairman Emeritus Yoram Cohen, the Liberian Registry has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Maritime University (WMU), creating “The Yoram Cohen Memorial Scholarship.” This undertaking will promote wide-ranging research in maritime and ocean-related studies, focusing on areas such as safe decarbonization of international shipping, innovation and seafarer safety and well-being.

Thomas Klenum, Executive VP of Innovation & Regulatory Affairs at the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR), commented “Yoram Cohen had a lifelong love of the sea and devoted a significant part of his life to responsible environmental stewardship. We want to honour Yoram’s legacy by recognizing the outstanding achievements of the WMU and advancing our mutual interests in the field of maritime education, research, and seafaring affairs. It is our hope that this scholarship will build upon the work of the WMU with advanced graduate research to support innovation and help develop new and sustainable practices for the maritime industry.”

Professor Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr., President of WMU noted, “The World Maritime University is delighted to collaborate with the Liberian Registry in establishing “The Yoram Cohen Memorial Scholarship.” This initiative, commemorating Mr. Yoram Cohen’s profound maritime contributions, signifies a joint commitment to furthering maritime education and research for a safe, secure, efficient, and sustainable maritime and ocean future. Through this MoU, I am pleased that the Liberian Registry will fund research projects including a resident research fellow at WMU.”

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