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— As Eugene Nagbe Becomes CDC Campaign Chairman 2023

IPNEWS: Monday’s out pulling of love and commitment by partisans of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has sent members of the opposition into a state of ‘pandemonium’.

IPNEWS reporters across Monrovia captured the buildup of CDC partisans at various street corners awaiting buses to transport them to the main square at the headquarters of the opposition CDC.

Many of whom without vehicles trooped into the central town en route to the CDC party’s head office while others stood by the roadside chanting pro-weah slogans and songs amidst the heavy downpour of rain.

At noon, there was a mighty swell of the crowd mainly youths considered first-time voters from all directions into the sinkor-congo town suburb.

In various speeches, partisans of the CDC, including its Chairman Mulbah K. Morlu, lavished praises on  President Goerge Weah, for his immense successes in Roads, Infrastructure, and rebranding the Economy as top priorities of the Weah’s 6 years of achievements.

In a special statement for his many achievements, youthful ex-commissioner of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala, argued that contrary to unsubstantiated comments by the Opposition that President George Weah did not attract one major investment to Liberia, the lacked the fundamentals of understanding what constitutes an investment.

Cllr. Gbala stated that unlike the former ruling Unity Party which looted the country’s resources by passing 68 concessions and 68 of that concession were all fraudulent concession agreements.

Kanio said most jobs created across the world today come from small and medium enterprises and not the large extractive industries in proportion to the size of their investments.

unprecedented crowd at the CDC HQ for Weah thank you program

The former LACC Commissioner named the investment under the George Weah government as the construction of three new cement factories, a large rubber processing plant, a new steel factory, and dozens of water factories within the last six years.

He named the construction of two new tissue factories, several juice factories, and the expansion of canning at Coca Cola factory with a new state-of-the-art plant, the signing of the 800-million-dollar expansion of Arcelor Mittal into the Western Area Deposits of Tokaded, Beeton, Uleeton and Gangr, which has now started a new railroad built by a local Liberian company.

Other areas named as deliverables for the Weah’s government that constitute the ‘WEAH THANK YOU Rally’, included the creation of hundreds of investments in the services sector, such as L’Oven Bakeries. Ten supermarkets on Tubman Boulevard. Wooding plant, several new automobile showrooms, dozens of domestic investments in agriculture, and the expansion of the Monrovia metropolitan area stretching as far as Po River to the West and Marshall City to the East.

Pres. Weah and high platform

Other investments captured out of Monrovia, are the expansion of Jungle Electric with Tomah Seh Floyd Sr., and the expansion of power substations by CLSG resulting in an Electricity coverage increment to 30 percent of the population for low-income people on the LEC grid.

The construction of a mini petroleum refining plant with a capacity of 10,000 barrels daily has increased the Liberianization of the petroleum Industry creating several millionaires, and increased cross-border trade in Ganta, Pleebo, and Bo Waterside.


The youthful Liberian lawyer turned politician added that the George Weah government has made massive investments in the health sector, with the construction of the 14 Military Hospitals, Emirates Hospitals, and the extension of Redemption Hospital. Interestingly, there a more doctors and nurses in Liberia than ever in the history of the country, which continue to create and develop the healthcare delivery system of Liberia.


Kanio said the Weah’s government has made investments in tertiary education and TVET schools, resulting in more students now at tertiary education and TVET than at any time in Liberia’s history.

Fiscal Outlook:

Partisan Gbala stated that President Weah has restored high-level financial trust in the economy despite the repeated economic shortfalls inherited from the regime of former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

Cllr. Gbala maintained that the government has not only remodeled the country’s economy but has also developed a stronger and more logical macroeconomic policy to enable the economy to perform well and effectively as stated by the World Bank’s latest report on Liberia which reveals that the Liberian economy has performed exceptionally since the inception of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led-government.

Despite all the gains outlined by Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala , Opposition political parties continued to attribute the hardship of the common people, skyrocketing exchange rate including the abrupt increase in the price of rice, petroleum, and other basic commodities on the Liberian market to the failure to institute and outlined a clear economic policy to revamp the country’s economy.

In contrast, Cllr. Gbala asserted that at least almost 24,000 out of two million Liberians have now been lifted out of extreme poverty as recorded in the World Bank report contrary to speculation by the opposition that the government has failed to alleviate Liberians from poverty.

In climaxing the daylong ‘WEAH THANK YOU RALLY, the Liberian leader and Standard Bearer, CDC lauded partisans of the party for their unwavering loyalty to the CDC, amidst a heavy downpour of rain, and negative propaganda spilled out by members of the opposition who had the opportunity to redeem Liberians from years of backwardness but failed.

The Liberia called on CDC partisans to remain committed to the cause to liberate Liberia from the hands of those he termed as “Wicked people”, who want to retake power to loot the county.

The first partisans of the CDC use the occasion to name Eugene Lenn Nagbe, as Chairperson of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) National Campaign Team.

The CDC political leader told the cheering crowd that the rest of the members of the team will be announced later this.

Nagbe is the former Secretary General of the CDC and currently serves as Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority. He served as Minister of three different ministries under the Unity Party-led Government: The Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

In response to his appointment by the Liberian leader, Mr. Nagbe said his job is the easiest one ever because President Weah had already done enough to make his own case for re-election.

“I will just be coordinating your votes. Go home and remain engaged because it is not over until it is over,” he said to a throng of supporters who had gathered en mass to appreciate President Weah for his “exceptional leadership and development in record time.

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