THE CRACKDOWN: DRUG TRAFFICKING –Pres. Weah Finally Signs Drug Bill into Law; A Mirage or Sincerity?

Crime Watch

THE CRACKDOWN: DRUG TRAFFICKING –Pres. Weah Finally Signs Drug Bill into Law; A Mirage or Sincerity?

IPNEWS: Since the arrest and seizure of US$100 million worth of cocaine at the Freeport of Monrovia, which was followed by another US$40 million of worth cocaine, Liberians at home and abroad have cried to President George Weahโ€™s Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government for the passage of the then illusive Control Drug and Substance Act of 2023, commonly known as the Drug Law.

Many Liberians blamed the CDC government and the 54th Legislature for the delay of the passage of Drug Law as many young Liberians have been victimized by the use of illicit drugs. There is the infamous โ€œKushโ€ which is said to be the leading drug currently on the Liberian market and has overwhelmed most youthful Liberians, most times leaving all most the point of death.

Visibly, harmful substances have become nemeses in the lives of most young Liberians who are sometimes referred to as disadvantaged youths or zogos, and the passage of the Drug Law will indeed become a saving life line if the state can properly implement the law without fear or favor.

Going after the Wrong People

The agency constituted by law is the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) but in time past the LDEA goes after the little-known drug users and consumers more than those who traffic illicit drugs into Liberia to make millions of United States at the detriment of mostly the youthful population, while the so-called โ€˜big fishesโ€™ who traffic illicit substances through the country airports and border posts are left untouched and go with impunity.

The most recent is the recent arrest of four suspects who reportedly brought US$100 million worth of cocaine in the country and having been tipped by United States security agencies, Liberian security forces were able to make arrest and charged the suspects to court.

But in the end the defendants were acquitted because, according to court records, the Liberian government took the wrong people to court while the real importers or traffickers of the US$100 million cocaine whose names were on the importation documents manifest were left untouched and went with impunity.

The LDEA is also noted for raiding little known petit drug hawkers in communities, but it is on record that the LDEA agents usually go after perceived local drug sellers, little people involved in the drug trade in Liberia instead of going after those who pass thru airport security and border posts security to traffic drug into Liberia.

Most critics of the LDEA and the Government of Liberia say until the real drug traffickers who makes millions of United States Dollars are cracked down upon by the LDEA and other Liberian government security agencies, and leave the little fishes alone, the drug trade which is destroying the youthful population in Liberia will continue unabated and many parents will lose their children to drug usage and could lead to their demise.

President Weah Signs Drug Law โ€“ A Mirage or Sincerity?

When President George Weah penned his signature on the document bearing the Control Drug and Substance Act of 2023, commonly known as or called as the Drug Law, hundreds of thousands of Liberians breathed a sigh of relief that finally there is a law that will crack down on illicit drug dealers and traffickers who makes millions of United States dollars just to destroy the youthful population of Liberians.

Their hopes are high in that there is finally a law that will put into check those who want to destroy the fabric of the Liberian society, who are the youths of the land. But the multimillion-dollar question is: Will the Liberian government deal with dealers in keeping with the law or will they play a blind eye and allow illicit substances to pass through the countryโ€™s airports and seasons, only for kickbacks that will benefit law enforcers personally or will these law enforcers stand their grounds to save the country from the destruction of illicit drug?

The verdict is out there and it is the hope of every Liberian that the Liberian government will ve sincere with the signing and implementation of the Drug Law to save the future of the nation.

What Does the Control Drug and Substance Act of 2023, Commonly the Drug Law Says?

President George Weah has signed into law the Control Drug and Substance Act of 2023, commonly called the Drug Law.

The President carried out the landmark duty July 12, 2023 after the Drug Bill was recently passed by the Legislature following months of thoughtful introspections and deliberations.

The new law is to regulate, restrict, control, limit, or eradicate the illegal export and importation as well as the flagrant use, abuse, and proliferation of narcotic substances within the bailiwick of the Republic.

The law, in part, provides penalties for specified offenses such as the unlicensed and unauthorized importation of controlled drugs or substances into the country.

The law, for example, states thatย โ€œA person commits an offense if he/she purposely or knowingly imports into Liberiaย any controlled drugs or substances without a license from the Minister.โ€

It further added:ย โ€œThe offense of unlicensed importing of controlled drug or substances shall beย graded as where the subject matter of the offense is a drug or substancesโ€ย as prescribed by the Act.

It further states thatย โ€œthe person shall be guilty of a felony of the first degree and punishable to a prisonย of a maximum of ten years and not exceeding twenty years consistent withย provisions of the Penal Code 1, section 50.5 and 50.6.โ€

It is clearly noted that the offense shall be a grave offense and shall not be bailable.

The Act outlines where the subject matter of the offense is a drug or substances listed in schedule II, III and lV of the Law to be used for the purpose of trafficking, the person shall be guilty of a second-degree felony punishable to a prison term of not less than five years and not exceeding ten years pursuant to the provisions of section 50.5 and 50.6 of the Penal Law of Liberia.

โ€œAs to the matter of bail,โ€ย the Act statesย โ€œonly cash to the value of the bond or cashโ€™ deposit in the bank to the value of the bond as evidenced by a bank certificate.โ€ย 

With regards to unlicensed manufacture of controlled drugs or substances, a person commits an offense if he engages in the manufacture or preparation of any drugs or substances listed in Schedules I, II, lll, IV, or precursor or essential chemicals listed in Table I and Table II of the Act without a license.

According to the law, such person shall beย โ€œguilty of a felony of the first degree and, if used otherwise, shalt be guilty of a second-degree felony and shall face jail sentence between l0 to 20 years or as prescribed in Section 50.5 and 50.5 of the Penal Law of Liberia.โ€

Meanwhile, Liberians are hopeful that the new Drug Law will be implemented but with skepticism that some elements in government, including government and high-profile officials.

The passage and subsequent signing of the law further signifies President Weahโ€™s commitment to fight illegal drug and substance abuse, a menace that has plagued society, endangering and rubbing thousands of Liberian youths of a better future.

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