Speaker Chambers Rallies Bassa for Weah 2nd term

Diaspora News

Speaker Chambers Rallies Bassa for Weah 2nd term

IPNEWS: The Speaker of the House of Representatives Bhofal Chambers has called on the people of Bassa, and all Liberians, to rally behind President George Weah and support his bid for reelection.

He said President Weah has shown unwavering commitment to the development of Liberia, stating that the Presidentโ€™s vision for a prosperous and inclusive nation has driven his efforts to uplift communities, improve infrastructure, and create opportunities for all citizens. โ€œUnder his leadership, we have witnessed advancements in education, healthcare, and economic growthโ€. Speaker averred.

Speaking at the weekend on the Fairground in Buchanan where thousands of Bassa citizens under the banner โ€œBassa for Weahโ€ overwhelming endorsed President Weah 2nd term bid, Speaker Chambers said the President Weah’s passion for youth empowerment and sports development has inspired a generation of young Liberians.

Dr. Chambers intoned that the Liberian leader understands that investing in the potential of the youth is investing in the future of the nation. โ€œThrough various initiatives, he has provided platforms for talent recognition and skills development, enabling our young people to excel in various fieldsโ€. Speaker Chambers stated.

The Maryland County, Pleebo Sodakan Representative stressed that President Weah has been a steadfast advocate for peace, stability, and good governance. โ€œHis commitment to upholding the rule of law and fighting corruption has been commendable. He has implemented reforms to improve transparency, accountability, and efficiency in our government institutionsโ€. Chambers says.

He says as citizens look ahead, it is crucial to sustain the progress they have achieved under President Weah’s leadership. The speaker said reelecting the President will ensure continuity and the further implementation of his transformative agenda. โ€œTogether, we can build on the foundation he has laid and continue working towards a brighter future for Liberiaโ€. He said.

The House Speaker called on the people of Bassa, a region that has witnessed firsthand the positive impact of President Weah’s policies, to stand united in support of his reelection. โ€œLet us join hands and actively participate in the democratic process, casting our votes to secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. Together, let us march forward with President George Weah, advancing the development of our beloved Liberiaโ€. Chambers averred.

The Speaker has since acknowledged the indelible ink of development left by President George Weah.

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