Unity Party Describes Spoon TV/FM’s Closure “Kakistocratic”, But Gov’t Distance Itself

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Unity Party Describes Spoon TV/FM’s Closure “Kakistocratic”, But Gov’t Distance Itself

-As Civil Law Court Judge Orders Critical Radio/TV Station Shutdown

IPNEWS: Spoon FM/TV, a very critical voice against the regime of President George Manneh Weah, has been ordered shutdown by Civil Law Court of Montserrado County.

Following the closure, the opposition Unity Party’s standard bearer, former Vice President Joseph Boakai issued the below statement: “Today, we continue to witness a troubling pattern of the Weah administration suppressing the independent press through kakistocratic means.

Judge J. Kennedy Peabody of Civil Law Court, Montserrado County

“The most recent casualty of this assault is the Spoon Network which includes Spoon FM, Fabric FM, Super FM and their online TVs which was forcefully shut down this morning due to the government of Liberia’s inability to tolerate dissenting opinions. Meanwhile, pro-regime media outlets known for spreading hate messages are given free rein.

Some of the sheriffs from the Civil Law Court that came to effect the closure of Spoon FM/TV

“Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated one, as Punch FM and Roots FM have also experienced similar attacks. These media organizations, dedicated to maintaining their independence, have steadfastly refused to yield to the coercive demands of the Weah government. It is crucial that this relentless assault on press freedom comes to an end since an independent press serves as a cornerstone of a thriving democracy.

“We have no doubt the judiciary also upholds its independence and resist being used as a mere pawn in this political chess game. When the institution entrusted with the responsibility of impartial arbitration, the very essence of justice, allows itself to be manipulated for political gain, it undermines the fundamental rights of citizens. Such actions perpetuate a toxic democratic atmosphere, eroding the principles that underpin a well-functioning society.

Civil Law Court

Civil Law Court Judge J. Kennedy Peabody on Friday, July 13, has issued a writ of attachment to close down the offices of the Management of Spoon TV and FM Communication Network.

According to the writ, the Management of Spoon and Mr. Stanton Witherspoon should be arrested and be placed under custody if they fail to show property to cover the amount of US$5,250,000.00  one-half (1½) times of US$3,500.000.00 of the amount sued.

Spoon FM/TV

Defendant Witherspoon and the management of Spoon Communication Networks were sued for alleged damages against the former Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo – Information Services Deputy Director General for Information Coordination, Mr. Wilmot Smith.

They were sued at the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court for Montserrado for Action of damages for Slander and Libel.

The writ said, “The Management of Spoon TV and FM Communication Network of the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Liberia, 1st Defendant, Mr. Stanton Witherspoon, also of the City of Monrovia, 2nd Defendant of the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Liberia,

Defendants in the case cause of action to the amount of US5,250,000.00 one one-half times of US$3.500.000.00 of the amount sued for there of being to cover principal and costs of these proceedings and you will return this Writ to my office on or before the 20 day of A.D. 2023.

Meanwhile, minutes after the closure and subsequent statement by the Unity Party, the Government of Liberia has clarified that it is not a party to the lawsuit brought against the Management of the Spoon Network, which saw the closure of the station’s premises in Monrovia.

The GoL understands that the suit was instead filed months ago by Mr Wilmot Smith, a private citizen of the country, who once served as Deputy Director General for Information Coordination at LISGIS.

Mr Smith stated in his lawsuit that following his dismissal from the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-information Services for Administrative Reasons by President George M. Weah, the station used its network to defame his reputation, characterising him as a “Criminal”.

The case involving the two parties was brought before the court and has been ongoing for several months.

A writ was issued  against the Spoon FM’s Management and its owner, Mr Stanton Witherspoon, on Friday morning, July 14, 2023.

The Government  of Liberia re-emphasizes that it respects the right to freedom of speech and of the press as it has always demonstrated, but is also cognizant of the fact that an individual feeling injured by the work of a media entity also has the right to seek redress under the laws of Liberia .

The courts, which are an integral part of the Judicial Branch of the Government, are independent of the Executive Branch, which has got no part in this private legal saga.

The government says it is appalled by the irresponsible attempt of the standard bearer of the opposition Unity Party to score political capital out of a routine legal matter.

The Weah- led Administration press freedom record remains enviable, which has been repeatedly attested to by all international partners, including outgoing U.S. Ambassador Michael McCarthy.

Attempts by the UP Standard Bearer and others to link the government to this purely private legal matter are simply ridiculous, to say the least.

Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL) condemns; Calls Weah a “Tyrant”

Also, when news of the closure broke, the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL), too, joined the UP to “condemn in the strongest terms the unwarranted attacks on Spoon FM/TV.” The opposition party when further to call President George Weah a “tyrant to democratic order.”

Spoon FM closure by court sheriffs

“The EFFL is disturbed by the closure of Spoon FM/TV by the Weah administration. The occurrences leading to the Court order can be described as Anti-Democratic Manuvering under a classic tyrant. The Government is clearly using a hungry job seeker Wilmot Smith to attack the independent media as means of disenfranchising opposition political actors from accessing the media during political campaign.

It’s a shame on Weah who claims to have been a peaceful man. Under this tyrannical regime, the independent media has become a subject of attacks, thus creating threats to individual journalists including the killing of journalist Zenu Miller of OK FM.

“The EFFL believes the Farmington River Declaration has once again come under attack by the Weah administration and should draw the attention of the international organizations who witnessed the signing of the document. These are early signals that the Government of Liberia is planning to rig the elections. We therefore want to restate here that an attempt by the Weah administration to alter the will of the people, the results of such action would be catastrophically dangerous and that such political grandstanding wouldn’t be accepted by the people.

“We are aware that freedom comes with associated cost and we hereby stand ready to redefine history once it’s required as a result of the Weah administration’s political madness that is in motion. Our country has gone through a lot and can’t afford losing her place on the democratic stage globally as a result of an empty headed President who understands nothing about history. In the first place, Weah coming to power was purely a historical contradiction.

“We demand the unconditional reopening of Spoon FM/TV.  The evil plan by the Government to shut down media institutions has now been unearthed and it’s time for collective opposition action. We call on the people of Liberia to reject the CDC and Weah as they represent the darkest minds in politics.”

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