FLY Launches US$50K 9-Month Project Ahead Of Crucial Elections

Diaspora News

FLY Launches US$50K 9-Month Project Ahead Of Crucial Elections

By Julius Konton

The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) on Thursday, July 13, 2023, officially launched a nine-month youth elections project ahead of the October 10, 2023, General and Presidential elections.

The project according to the president of FLY, Ms. Banica Elliott, is estimated at 50,000 United States dollars and is supported by the European Union.

Among other things, the project seeks to address the long-standing challenge of youth exclusion from political decisions making and is also geared toward fostering meaningful youth participation in shaping the future of Liberia.

As very strategic as the young people are to the pending elections, the Federation of Liberian Youth and Political parties are expected to sign a declaration in Butuo that is referred to as the Butuo Declaration.

Its focus is to get political parties and their leader’s commitment in ensuring peace and active participation of young people in transforming the future of the nation.

Meanwhile, the FLY boss used the occasion to encourage the young people of Liberia to remain engaged and focused and avoid violence during these elections period.

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