Weah Scores Highmark @ Regional Level; As Block Endorses Liberia for UNSC Seat

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Weah Scores Highmark @ Regional Level; As Block Endorses Liberia for UNSC Seat

IPNEWS: It is now 78 years since Liberia played a key role in the formation of the League of Nations, which subsequently changed into now the United Nations in 1945.

Represented by Mrs. Angie Elizabeth Brooks Randolph as the first female President of the 24th Session of the UN General Assembly, Liberia continued to play a pivotal role in world peace as part of the 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights, Liberia has continued to push to greater recognition.

Delivering his last State of Nation Address on Monday, January 31, 2023, President George informed the Legislature, Liberians and the world at large that “a singular and unprecedented honor that is about to be bestowed on Liberia.  Although this event will not take place until 2026, all the diplomatic activity leading to this success have been undertaken by my Administration and under my personal initiative and directives.”

According to President Weah, Liberia’s candidature for a Seat on the United Nations Security Council as a Non-Permanent Member for the 2026 – 2027 period has been endorsed during the 40th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union, held from February 3 -7, 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

“This Candidature of Liberia for a seat on the UN Security Council was also unanimously endorsed by the African Group of Ambassadors at the United Nations in New York.

I am now pleased to announce that the election for Liberia to sit on the Security Council as a Non-Permanent Member for the 2226 – 2027 period will be held in New York in 2025,” the Liberian leader disclosed.

“Needless to say, this will be a very proud moment for our Nation, and represents the full acceptance of Liberia among the comity of nations, as a responsible country capable of making significant contributions to global peace and security by sitting on the United Nations Security Council, the highest and most important forum for world peace.

Imagine the significance of the journey we have traveled over the past two decades, from being a war-torn country, ravished and destroyed by a civil war that lasted for fifteen years, which required the deployment of the largest United Nations Peacekeeping Force at that time, UNMIL, to bring peace to our troubled land; and now have a seat on the Security Council of the very United Nations that had been sent to save us from ourselves.  We have a lot to be thankful for as a People,” President Weah proudly announced.

True to President Weah’s commitment to ensuring Liberia gets the seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), received an overwhelming endorsement by members of the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS), in Bissau, the capital of Guinea Bissau, during the 63rd ordinary session of the West African block.

Liberia is seeking to succeed its neighbor, Sierra Leone as representative of the Western Africa Region at the top level of the global body.

“The President sought the bloc’s unflinching support for a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council to represent the Western African Region for the period 2026 to 2027,” the statement said, announcing President Weah’s return to the country on Monday, July 10.

The UNSC, one of six organs of the UN, has the most significant task, that of maintaining international peace and security.

Only five countries – China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States – have permanent status in the council. The group, collectively known as the P5, each wields the power to veto a resolution.

The remaining 10 members are elected to serve on a rotational two-year, non-consecutive term without veto power. But the seats in the non-permanent category are allocated per region. Africa usually has three, which are currently occupied by Mozambique, Ghana and Gabon.

Sierra Leone and Algeria were elected last month to replace Ghana and Gabon for the period 2024 to 2025. Liberia intends to take on from its neighbour, if its bid is successful.

Weah had been out of the country since 1st July. He first visited the State of Israel, from where he left for Bissau to join fellow West African leaders.

The Liberian President described his trip to reporters at the Roberts International Airport as “holy, fruitful and beneficial” to the country and people of Liberia, according to the Executive Mansion statement.

During his visit to Israel, Weah met with its leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netahyanh and President Isaac Herzog, on strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries.

Liberia is seeking to benefit from Israel’s support towards its agricultural sector.

Weah also reportedly announced that Liberia was considering Israel’s request to open an embassy in Israel, noting that the Foreign Ministry will work out the detailed modalities.

“I think it is good for Liberia to have an embassy there because it will enable us to serve the interest of the citizens there, and for the enhancement of bilateral ties with Israel,” he told journalists.

The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) deployed in 2003 to help the country rebuild and stayed until its mandate ended on March 30, 2018. By most accounts UNMIL was a success, shepherding in over a decade of peace and three consecutive democratic elections.

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