Speaker Chambers, Former Nigerian Pres. Goodluck and Delegation Converse on Elections

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Speaker Chambers, Former Nigerian Pres. Goodluck and Delegation Converse on Elections

IPNEWS: The former Head of State and Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Goodluck E. Jonathan along with the former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso and ECOWAS’ Commission President Kadrie Desire Ouedraogo have paid a courtesy visit to the Speaker of the 54th Legislature House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, discussing Liberia’s elections, ensuing for 10 October this year.

The former Nigerian President and delegation are in Liberia as part of his Foundation’s initiative for the promotion of democracy in Africa under the banner of the West Africa Elders Forum.

During their meeting at the Capitol building in Monrovia, the statesmen discussed about democracy in Africa, the sub-region, and Liberia’s task to hold its 4th postwar Presidential Elections in October this year. Former President Jonathan said the Liberian Legislature is essential to the Country’s democracy and his visit to the Capitol Building the seat of the Liberian Legislature will always be emphasized.

The former Nigerian President told Speaker Chambers that they are in Liberia to hold preliminary facts-finding and mediation meetings with key stakeholders in and out of Government ahead of the October 2023 General and Presidential elections in Liberia. He said his delegation will come back to Liberia as the elections get closer, and the voting day itself.

The former Nigerian Head of State clarified during the meeting that so far during his visit to the Liberia, he has taken concerns about the level of hate speech in the name of free-speech permeating Liberia’s democratic atmosphere, something he says needs to be turndown for the good of Liberia and Liberians.

As head of the delegation of the West African Elders Forum, the former Nigerian President wants Liberians to take on the good examples from other elections in the sub-region and build upon those experiences for the October polls as the world watches Liberia conducts her own electoral affairs again.

For his part, House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers told the visiting envoys that the Legislature of Liberia has done all in its power, working with the Executive for the success of the October Elections later this year.

Speaker Chambers assures the Delegation of West African Elders Forum that the Liberian Legislature as mandated by law, has several seats for contestation that will be affected by the election outcome also in October.

Dr. Chambers praised the visiting delegation for their choice of Liberia for its electoral fact-finding, stating that Liberia has benefited the attention of her neighbors in many regards, and will do nothing that will bring condescending looks to the future and aspirations of Liberia and Liberians.

Also, in attendance during the meeting were, Rep. Acarous Moses Gray, Rep. Alex C. Grant, and Rep. Ivan K. Jones, at the Capitol Building in Monrovia.

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