Sen. Johnson Says, Southeastern Liberians Suffering Should Have Been Last Option for Weah’s CDC Gov’t


Sen. Johnson Says, Southeastern Liberians Suffering Should Have Been Last Option for Weah’s CDC Gov’t

Nimba Senator Prince Y Johnson and President George Weah during their honeymoon days as coalition buddies

By: Jacqueline Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Nimba County Senator Prince Y. Johnson says the sufferings of South-eastern Liberians are faced with should have been the last option because the majority of the officials of government including President George Weah are from the Southeast.

Senator Johnson made the statement on Thursday, July 6, 2023, during regular session and called on Liberians to vote President George Weah out in the pending October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

According to him, President Weah is the creator of bad roads for citizens of South-eastern Liberia, instead of being classified as bad road medicine.

Meanwhile, Montserrado County Senator Darius Dillon, Milton Teahjay of Sinoe County, Zoe Pennoh of Grand Gedeh County among others of the Senate have accused some officials of government of allegedly operating construction companies in the country.

According to them, the deplorable road conditions in South-eastern Liberia is as the result of some Lawmakers receiving money from the Ministry of Public Works for road construction, but the funds are not being used for the intended purpose.

However, Pennoh and Senators Dillon claimed that District #5 Representative Thomas Fallah of the CDC, is believed to own the Desire Construction Company.

Senator Pennoh debated that the Desire Construction Company owned by District #5 Representative Fallah should have rehabilitated the road from the Cestos River Bridge between Nimba to Zleh Town in Grand Gedeh for which Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$300,000) was paid upfront; but the works are yet to begin.

Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung added his voice to the debates recommended that the Ministry of Public Works should work along with the Association of Liberian Construction Contractors for the awarding of contracts to Liberian companies to appear before the Senate for inquiry.

Based on the heated debate on the matter by Lawmakers they unanimously voted for the Minister of Public Works, head of the Public Procurement Concession Commission and Managers of the companies to appear before the Senate Next Tuesday.

Several Lawmakers in Conflict of Interest into Road Construction Contractors Sen. Dillion Alarms 

Senator Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado County

It can be recalled that Senator Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado County alleged that he is in possession of a highly classified document that exposes some of his colleagues’ close financial ties to road construction contractors.

Dillon, who accused several lawmakers whom he did not name individually, claimed that the corrupt act is leading to the continuous delay or incomplete nature of road projects across the country, which is struggling to rebuild.

“[I have in my] possession, a document connecting some lawmakers with local road construction contractors,” Dillon alleged.

“As a result of these connections, some construction companies that are especially owned or controlled by lawmakers and/or government officials have defaulted in the completion of contracts duly paid in full.” 

According to Dillon, such activities not only violate Liberia’s conflict of interest law but also compromise the quality of road infrastructure projects.

He is of the view that the secret arrangements undermine the principles of transparency, accountability, and fair play that are essential for public resources to be utilized effectively and equitably.

Dillon’s allegation, if proven true, would be a clear violation of the country’s conflict of interest law, which aimed at preventing any public official from engaging in activities that could compromise their objectivity, impartiality, or judgment.

The laws exist to ensure that public officials act solely in the best interest of the country and its citizens, rather than pursuing personal or financial gains. The allegations by Dillion are, however, expected to spark outrage and raise concerns among the public, which has long endured the consequences of poor road infrastructure.

In Montserrado County, particularly, roads are riddled with potholes and often go for years without any maintenance or repairs. The consequence is devastating for rural areas, not just in Montserrado, which is the country’s most populated county with large rural communities.

Dillon’s revelation came in response to Senator Milton Teahjay of Sinoe County’s concerns about the deplorable state of roads across the country. Specifically, Teahjay highlighted the Southeast Corridor as an area where contractors have been paid but have failed to fulfill their contractual obligations.

The ensuing debate among Senators became heated, leading Grand Cape Mount County Senator, Varney Sherman, to demand that the Public Works Minister and other relevant agencies be held in contempt.

The Senate then unanimously supported this motion, voting to cite the Public Works Minister Ruth Coker-Collins, the Public Procurement Concession Commission (PCC), the authorities of the National Road Fund, and the CEOs of companies that have received road rehabilitation and maintenance contracts from the government.

These authorities and companies are expected to appear before the Senate Committee of a whole on July 11, to address the Senate’s inquiries about the incomplete implementation of contracted projects, which has kept road conditions in a deplorable state nationwide.

Among the companies summoned to appear are Desire, Millennium, SSF, Prime Plus, JD Construction Company, Future Builders, and Chen Construction Company. Other companies that have received government contracts in the same field but were not specifically mentioned will also be asked to attend.

The Senate has requested that all cited companies to submit all relevant documentation regarding their contracts by July 10 so that Senators are adequately prepared for the subsequent hearings.

As the controversy unfolds, all eyes are on the document promised by Senator Dillon. The truthfulness and impact of his allegations will be revealed once the evidence is presented.

The outcome of this revelation, whichever way it goes, will have significant implications for the political landscape in Liberia. If the document proves to be legitimate and accurate, public trust in the Legislature would further diminish, and pressure for accountability will intensify.

On the other hand, if the claims are unfounded or fail to be substantiated, Dillon’s reputation might be at stake, affecting his credibility as a politician.

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