Johnsonville Residents, Others on Edge

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Johnsonville Residents, Others on Edge

-As Malian Threatens to Eliminate a Whole Community Who Ate His Cow

 By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS: Some residents of Johnsonville Township are on edge as a Malian national has threatened to use his sorcery to eliminate everyone who was allegedly involved in the stealing and killing of his cow. This individual has even threatened to deal with everyone who might have eaten meat from the cow. Cows are large animals with lots of meat, just too much for a single family. Usually, the meats are consumed by a community of people.

Speaking to the Liberia News Agency (LNA) over the weekend, a lady by the name of Fatu said it was on Abraham Day, when they noticed a strayed cow in their community. According to her, she being a Muslim, thought that the cow had belonged to a fellow Muslim and so they wanted to grab the animal and put it on rope so that it can be given to the owner, who, too, might a Muslim. Unfortunately, the animal was violent and began running after anyone it saw coming towards it and passing by their businesses.

According to the lady, who identified herself as Fatu, they were not able to grab the animal and when it became time for the Muslim prayer, she and others left and went to pray. So, they weren’t around when the cow was finally killed, butchered and its meats taken away near, far and wide by people who came from many different communities when news spread that a cow had been killed.

Fatu, knowing the stories of how “powerful” Malian sorcerers are, is worried about the threats from the Malian cow owner, who has threatened to wipe out an entire people. She said she did not eat some of the cow, but her children did eat some of meat at a neighbor’s place. Even her son, Richmond Jacobs admitted to getting a piece of the cow meat and ate it.

Williams Gibson, another community dweller, explained how he saw the cow being killed. He admitted taking a piece of the cow meat and his entire household of eight, safe his wife, ate it, including his toddler of nearly two years, also ate a meat of the cow. He, too, stated that the cow was so violent that it was chasing after the community kids.

He said while they were trying to put the cow under control another individual was there doing a live video recording of the entire saga. According to him, he left the scene and moments later, he heard shouting that the beast had been killed.

“When I got back there, I saw a man standing over the cow and the cow’s foot veins had been cut along with the head,” he explained.

He narrated that the fellow who was standing over the cow became butchering the animal and people from all works of life came and took piece of the cow meat as everyone said the cow had no owner.

“Over 150 persons benefited from this cow sharing; some of them are not from our community that I can tell you for sure,” he added.

According to him, when the Malian fellow, whose name is yet to be known, showed up, he went to the scene of where the cow was slaughtered.

“When he got there, he only took sand, some blood splatters, some leaves that people were standing on around the place and other things and left. So, we are worried.”

At the same time, Mr. Payne Sackor, Chairman of the Block D UPC Community in Johnsonville said he ate some of the cow meat, too. According to him, when he got home, he met a cow meat soup that had been well prepared by his wife. It was after eating that he heard of the story behind the animal.

“My community people told me that the cow was running after people in the community and with the help of others they were able to killed it,” Sackor stated.

He said as a community chairman, he regrets the manner in which they acted. According to him, he immediately informed the people about what he had heard that the Malian had said about his animal.

He narrated that the Malian fellow had put the cost of the cow to US$1,100.00 and if they refused to pay he will go Mali and kill all those who participated in it.

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