Jeety Urges Business Colleagues to Transform Lives and Make a Lasting Difference

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Jeety Urges Business Colleagues to Transform Lives and Make a Lasting Difference

-Feeds Central Prison’s Inmates & Tramps at Pelham Building

IPNEWS: Constantly trying to continuously fulfill his social corporate responsibilities and to show compassion to his fellow human beings, an Indian business tycoon, on Friday, July 5th fed the inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison and over 300 tramps who hang around the Pelham Building on Center Street. Mr. Sachdeva called upon the business community to join him in supporting the Monrovia Central Prison and assisting Liberia’s vulnerable population.

As part of his initiative, Jeety he distributed hot, cooked meals to 1,302 prisoners and some disadvantaged young men and women known locally as “zogoes.”

Mr. Sachdeva, who is more famously known in Liberia as “Mr. Jeety”, began the Friday, July 5th distribution of the hot meal with the inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison, a correctional facility that houses numerous inmates awaiting trial or serving their sentences.

Recognizing the plight of most of those incarcerated there, Jeety has made it his duty to fight hunger at the prison compound by periodically providing well, nourished hot, cooked plates of rice to the over 1,300 inmates within the prison walls.

Before he handed over the 21 huge tubs of cooked rice, 21 buckets of cooked, fried bitter ball soup, more than 50 sacs of water and several cases of soft drink (soda) to the Prison Superintendent, the Indian businessman emphasized the importance of community engagement and called upon other businesses to do similar humanitarian gestures too. He emphasized: “Don’t give to get; give to inspire others.”

“As business leaders, it is our moral obligation to give back and uplift our society. The prisoners within the prison are part of our community, and it is incumbent upon us to provide them with hope, sustenance, and a chance at rehabilitation,” he stated.

Jeety’s hot meal fed the 1,302 inmates. At least four tubs of the rice were leftover, which he and his team brought on Center Street at the Pelham Building, just a stone’s throw from the prison compound. At the Pelham Building, which is housing tramps and some high-core criminals, Jeety made them get in line and he handed out plates of rice to them, too.

Jeety has never just handed the food over to the prison authority without him or some of his employees helping to distribute it to the prisoners. He can be very actively involved in the distribution processes. Even at the Pelham Building, he is always showing love to everyone he comes across.

In addition to the hot meals, Jetty also donated to the prison an additional 1,500 new plates to add to the ones they have, already.

Expressing his appreciation, the Monrovia Central Prison Superintendent Varney G. Lake, on behalf of prison management, expressed their gratitude for Jeety’s continuous support towards the prison. He stressed that the meals was “timely and necessary.”

Meanwhile, the initiative by Jeety serves as a powerful reminder of the role businesses can play in fostering social change and addressing the needs of marginalized communities.

By recognizing the human dignity and potential for rehabilitation among prisoners and other vulnerable population, Jeety has taken a significant step towards promoting inclusivity and community development.

Additionally, Jetty’s remarkable endeavor to support the Monrovia Central Prison and uplift the lives of prisoners through the distribution of hot meals has not only provided immediate relief but also highlighted the importance of his presence in Liberia.

As the event concluded, Jeety at the same time also urged other businesses to take inspiration from his efforts and contribute to the betterment of the Liberian society, and added, “Together, we can transform lives and make a lasting difference. Let us identify with the Monrovia Central Prison and work towards creating a more compassionate and equitable society.”

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