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-Boakai Scolds Weah for Doing All to Retain Power after “Failing.”

“You know, prayers are good, but if you take an exam and they ask you about the capital city of Margibi and you write Buchanan; then you go home and say: ‘aye God, please make Buchanan the capital of Margibi”, God doesn’t do those kinds of things.

IPNEWS: In efforts to win the hearts and minds of Liberians to give the former Unity Party (UP) another chance to lead Liberia after their previous 12 years under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf with former Vice President Joseph Boakai assisting her, the now UP standard bearer and political has chided incumbent President George Weah in his quest to retain state power by asking God to grant him the chance despite failing the Liberian people and the country in the last five years plus.

On last week Thursday while on their public engagement tour in Kakata city, Margibi County, the Standard Bearer of the Unity Party, Ambassador Joseph Boakai, has ridiculed President George Weah’s stewardship of Liberia since he took office in 2018. Using the analogy of someone offering prayers for divine intervention when they have miserably failed to work towards achieving their expressed goals, Amb. Boakai said it is foolhardy for President Weah to seek the face of God and beg to be retained in power after he has failed awfully at the first try that the Liberian people gave him to make their lives better.

“You know, prayers are good, but if you take an exam and they ask you about the capital city of Margibi and you write Buchanan; then you go home and say: ‘aye God, please make Buchanan the capital of Margibi”, God doesn’t do those kinds of things.

“When they give you six years to transform the lives of people, and you leave them hopeless, then you say, God, give me another six, He can’t do it. Because it will be like God says he loves you more than the rest of the people. What other honour can the people give you than to say, lead us?

“Your job is to take all of them and help them become good citizens. But all you do is sit down to bring them kush; but you say my children are in different countries playing football, enjoying themselves. We are not going to elect such people,” Mr. Boakai blasted.

The Unity Party Standard Bearer, while lamenting the deplorable state of Africa’s oldest republic, discounted whatever achievements the government might have been flaunting as their credentials to seek re-election; arguing that there was nothing tangle to show for the almost six years of Weah’s reckless leadership because “they failed our people, left their lives miserable and made things difficult for the people”.

“You say you are a bad road medicine, but you cannot go to your home by car; you say you are world best, world this, world that, but where are the stadiums you built? In sports we cannot win. If you cannot excel in the area that brought you to fame, then what can you excel in?”

The UP standard bearer and political leader, Mr. Boakai further said that to outperform the Weah administration, he will build new stadiums in every county and encourage budgetary appropriation to develop and promote talents of Liberian youths in any chosen area of their choice, so as to make them useful and productive citizens of the country.

The leader of the former ruling party said although he has not assumed office, the Rescue Mission has been engaged in some underground works, and he will definitely hit the ground running to make the country a light in darkness, and restore hope in the young people, majority of whom according to him “are sitting down and doing nothing”.

Praising the people of Margibi County for the massive show of support evidenced by the huge turnout of the citizens, Ambassador Boakai noted that the decision to tour three major counties in the country was made in just a few days.

“The decision was made just a few days ago, but to see our people turn out like this is amazing. I am not better than you. God is just elevating me to be able to help you.

“We are going to make sure that we make Liberians survive, we will give them hope so that agriculture will prosper; that education will prosper; that our peoples’ lives will improve. Every human wants their lives to be improved. It’s not the dollars that people will share to you, or give you rice. What we need to do is to empower you; give you a chance to learn; build you good clinics. And the road is ready, just waiting for a good leader,” Boakai promised.

The former Agriculture Minister bragged of his credentials in the agriculture sector and promised to prioritize making the nation food self-sufficient. He also promised to rebuild the CH Rennie Hospital in Kakata that was burnt some time ago.

He said that he will revamp the education sector and deliver top quality education to the country, averring that he will turn the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) to a center worthy of excellence.

Boakai further criticized President Weah for being insensitive to the plight of the Liberian people for what they have been going through under his watch. He said President has assumed a flamboyant lifestyle, fly around the world in chartered jets, while the rest of the citizens suffer.

“From the time this man took office, he always rides chartered flights. Do you know what a chartered flight is? We never rode one during our time.

“For the people who are working, their salaries remain lesser and lesser and so when you go to Israel and you think with all the people who are suffering God will say okay, I gave you another six years?”

Ambassador Boakai promised never to betray the hope of the people when he is elected on October 10, 2023, stating “for me it is an honour for many people to welcome me here, I am not going to steal from the people”.

Boakai said the RESCUE MISSION is a time-tested adventure to redeem Liberians from the grip of misrule that the CDC-led government has plunged the country into, and called on Liberians to embrace the UP ticket as the only hope of the people.

Earlier, his running mate Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung in a short remark said the advent of Boakai on the scene to save the nation from going down the drain was never a fluke but an honorable call to national duty to lead the process of democratically unseating President Weah and the CDC government.

He likened Boakai to the Biblical story of Joseph, whose advice to Pharaoh to save excess during harvest period averted major famine that would have befallen the Egyptians.

“It is not a mistake that God is using our own Joseph to save this country; and I am like the prophet Jeremiah telling the Liberian people ahead of time”, he said.

The UP-Standard Bearer is leading an array of stalwarts on a three-day outreach journey that see the Rescue Mission traversing parts of Margibi, Bong and then Nimba County where Senator Koung will formally be presented to the people of Nimba county as running mate to Boakai in the October 10, 2023 general election.

UP Does Not Deserve Another Presidency – Says Dr. Jeremiah Whapoe

Meanwhile, the political leader and standard bearer of the Vision for the Transformation of Liberia (VOLT) Jeremiah Whapoe says the former governing party of Amb. Joseph N. Boakai – the Unity Party (UP), does not deserve another presidency opportunity after it reportedly squandered millions of dollars that would have taken Liberia to another level in terms of development and growth.

It can be recalled during the 2017 presidential and legislative elections debate, former Vice President Joseph Boakai, who was UP standard bearer of as the then incumbent Unity Party told the audience that the UP administration under President Sirleaf squandered many opportunities that should have uplifted Liberia.

Fast forward to 2023, VOLT political and standard bearer, Dr. Jeremiah Whapoe has urged Liberians not to give the former governing UP the opportunity to lead Liberia again. “If the UP could squander millions of United States dollars in the words of its current standard bearer, Joseph Boakai, then it will be foolhardy for Liberians to give the country back to the UP under the leadership of Joseph Boakai who referred to himself as ‘a parked car in the garage’ to rescue Liberia.”

The VOLT standard made the assertion when he declared that he will be on the ballot paper to contest the presidency of Liberia. Dr. Whapoe says to revive Liberia it is only agriculture that can make that happen that is why his administration will make agriculture number one tool to drive the country to development and growth.

According to Dr. Whapoe while his party, VOLT is friendly with other opposition parties, but that does mean that he should turn a blind eye on things that will harm Liberia, this is why he is speaking out to tell Liberians that the former governing Unity Party does not deserve to be given the opportunity again after 12 years of leading the country.

Meanwhile, political pundits and commentators say the former UP is desperate to return to the helm of state power so those former officials who did not milk the country will now have the opportunity to do so.

It can be recalled following the ascension of the CDC government, there were reports that newly-appointed officials and stalwarts of the CDC acquired wealth to the detriment of Liberians without remorse.

Some of them acquired infrastructure for hundreds of thousand of dollars, while President Weah who had built 49 condominiums, had asked Liberians to be patient but he was not prepared to be patients as he acquired properties after the other.

The Liberian leader even demolished his 9th Street Sinkor residence and rebuilt it to a modern state-of-the-art home, but he shamelessly asked Liberians to be patient but he was not ready to be patient.

The bookmakers are watching ahead of the October 2023 elections.

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