Deputy Police Chief Frowns on Alleged Abuse of Wildlife

Crime Watch

Deputy Police Chief Frowns on Alleged Abuse of Wildlife

-As Police Force Rescues Wildlife at Noah’s Ark School

IPNEWS: The Deputy Chief of Police and head of the Legal Division of the Liberia National Police (LNP), Peter K. Gbanyah, has frowned on individuals in the act of abusing endangered species.

Attorney Gbanyah told a local newspaper Thursday that the LNP acting on a search and seizure warrant from the Gardnersville Magisterial Court, arrested the proprietor of Noah’s Ark for illegally breeding wildlife on the school campus.

Early Wednesday morning, a team of LNP and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) rangers went to the home of Mr. Joseph Bestman to effectuate the court mandate.

According to Atty. Gbanyah, several endangered species were found at Noah’s Ark contrary to environmental protocols and the revised FDA Laws and Penal code of Liberia.

The Deputy Police Chief said Bestman’s action is in contravention of protocols Liberia has signed up to preserve wildlife and the environment.

The LNP legal division boss revealed that Bestman was under probe by the police, and where necessary will be forwarded to court for prosecution.

At the same time, Atty Gbanyah disclosed that a 47-year-old man, who was arrested with over 369 kilograms of pangolins’ (ants bear) scales in Grand Gedeh County will be prosecuted during the August term of court.

He disclosed that Defendant J. Folley Varney was placed on bail pending trial.

It can be recalled that on May 5, 2023, a detachment of the LNP in Grand Gedeh County arrested Varney with the endanger specie’s scales.

He was charged with the crime of having the scales of protected species, hunting protected animals, killing or destruction of protected animals without permit or license and environmental crime.

Defendant Varney was also charged with economic sabotage, criminal facilitation and criminal conspiracy.

The police charged that the acts allegedly committed by Defendant Varney is in violation of the revised FDA Laws the Penal Law of the Republic of Liberia.

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