Motorcyclists & Tricycles Association Distances from Recent Boakai’s Endorsement

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Motorcyclists & Tricycles Association Distances from Recent Boakai’s Endorsement

IPNEWS: National Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Association of Liberia (NAFOMAL) distances itself from recent endorsement of opposition Unity Party political leader Amb. Joseph Boakai by its former President, now District #4 representative aspirant of Montserrado County on behalf of the institution.

Addressing a news conference Monday, June 19, 2023, at NAFOMAL head office in the City Paynesville, its President Harris Kollie informed that John Kenyor, who is an ex-president of the Association, recently endorsed the presidential bid of the former Vice President in the name of the entity.

Kollie stated that in his capacity as the head of the institution representing the over 150,000 motorcyclists, vehemently condemned the action of Kenyor, and labeled him as a “failed and evil” former leader.

The NAFOMAL boss maintained that the former president’s action was guided by his godfather and National Chair of the Unity Party, Reverend Luther Tarpeh while the Association continues to advocate, strive and defend the rights of motorcyclists across the country.

According to him, the motorcyclists’ umbrella body only sympathizes with Ambassador Boakai, but not an individual like John Kenyor who always wants to use their members for his selfish political gains.

He also mentioned that although the NAFOMAL is aware of the many challenges, no unfortunate situation will coerce its members to be used by greedy politicians who will later dash their hopes.

Boss Kollie let out that the institution is always confronted by a hustler like John Kenyor, who survives on exploiting and prostituting the gains of the trade union, noting that they will not sit and be deceived by their ex-boss.

Motorcyclists, Tricyclists Endorse Boakai for President

It can be recalled three days ago, June 15, 2023, the Federation of Motorcycle and Tricycle Unions of Liberia (FMTUL) endorsed the presidential bid of former Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

With a strength of over “230,000” motorcyclists and tricycle operators in Liberia, the endorsement of the FMTUL is a significant boost for Boakai’s campaign.

These workers are a vital part of the transport sector of the Liberian economy, where the majority of unskilled youth find a means of employment and their support could be crucial in the upcoming election.

At the endorsement ceremony in Paynesville on June 15, the President-General of FMTUL, John A. F. Kenyor, said that the union’s decision to endorse Boakai was based on his record of service to the country and his commitment to improving the lives of ordinary Liberians.

“We have come to a conclusion that the best person to lead our country is Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai,” Kenyor said. “He is a man of integrity and a man of the people. He has a proven track record of service to Liberia, and he is committed to improving the lives of all Liberians.”

Boakai, who is the standard bearer of the Unity Party, thanked the FMTUL for its endorsement. He said that he was honored to have the support of the union, and he pledged to work with them to improve the lives of motorcyclists and tricycle operators in Liberia.

“I am grateful for the support of the FMTUL,” Boakai said. “I know that together, we can make Liberia a better place for all of us.”

The 2023 presidential election is scheduled to be held on October 10, 2023. Boakai is running against incumbent President George Weah. The election is expected to be close, and the support of the FMTUL could be a major factor in the outcome.

Meanwhile, observers are wondering the difference between National Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Association of Liberia (NAFOMAL) and Federation of Motorcycle and Tricycle Unions of Liberia (FMTUL), since one is distancing from the other’s endorsement of the former Vice President, Joseph Boakai. By James Lehmer Hiama Jr; 0770334857/0888270604

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