Cummings, Brumskine Receive Huge Endorsement from Progressive Women & First Time Voters

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Cummings, Brumskine Receive Huge Endorsement from Progressive Women & First Time Voters

IPNEWS: A group of women under the banner, the Progressive Women of Liberia, on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, endorsed Alexander B. Cummings and Charlyne Brumskine as standard bearer and running mate on the presumptive “Fixers Ticket” at a well-attended program held at the party headquarters in central Monrovia.

The Head of the Progressive Women of Liberia said their decision to support the CPP is based on the vision of Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings and Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine has for the people of Liberia especially the women and children of the country.

She said since Cummings entered the body politics of Liberia, he has brought some level of respect to the Geo-politics of the country and has contributed to the many developmental initiatives and the provision of Healthcare and Education.

The group secretary General said Cummings and Brumskine are two decent statesmen and women who had paid their dues to the nation, and it is time that they get their rewards by making them the next leaders of this Country.

According to the Progressive Women and Children of Liberia Secretary General, Princess Tokpah they are operating in six of Liberia’s 15 counties including Margibi, Lofa, Bong, and Grand Cape Mount and their membership is about 15,000 plus.

She said they believe that if Cummings and Brumskine win the upcoming election there will be a great relief for the citizens of Liberia especially the Women and children of Liberia.

The group said they have elected people over the years, but those people have not been able to live up to the promise they made to them during the 2017 election, adding this time they are convinced that Cummings can make the necessary change in the governance of the state.

The CPP and its political leader have been receiving huge endorsements from the Southeast and Central Liberia for the past two weeks something that many Liberians have discussed in street corners of Monrovia.

Accepting the group of Women’s endorsements statement the Vice running mate to CPP political leader, Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine said many of the children who are called first-time voters vote for Weah their mothers will not be able to even send their children to school if they don’t vote wisely come October 10, 2023.

She said when you drive the street of Monrovia you will see children selling all on the streets and some are getting involved in drugs which is a serious problem for the development of the country.

Cllr. Brumskine told the gathering that she was not going to dance because there is a need to educate the first-time voters to understand and know the true meaning of voting because this is their first time coming to vote.

“It’s not enough for us to wear the t-shirts as Progressive Women and the first-time voters will need to be careful how they voted.”

“As you leave from here today carry the message to your various community, nobody will stop you from benefiting from the resources of this country”.

“Liberians we don’t have no reason to celebrate but let us all works together in making Liberia a Great Nation again.”

Cllr. Brumskine added that she has looked and searched, and Cummings is the man that is ready to fix the country that Weah and his guys have destroyed and come what may they are going to fix this Country come January 2024.

On his part, the political leader of the CPP Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, said he takes the endorsement very seriously.

He said it is clear that they are going to fix the country comes January 2024 and very soon they will take over the Affairs of the country because the writings are on the wall.

He said with the Special help of God and through the help of Cllr. Brumskine and the Liberian people, Liberia will be great again, and what he can tell the Liberian people is to get ready to vote on October 10, 2023.

“It is important to note that our people are suffering and can’t wait to see this country redeemed from the hands of President Weah and his boys who have caused too many hardships and hard times for the Liberian people.”

“Our next Vice president was very truthful to you guys about the plan we have for the young people, as you leave here today get to know that we will fix this country come January 2024”. By Taisiah K. Merfee

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