

PRESIDENT, IRREFUTABLY, if we were in your shoes, obviously we would have been overwhelmed with joy and enthusiasm as you were on the day almost half of the 103 members of the National Legislature assured you of their unwavering support for your re-election to the presidency because they represent the over five million people of our population.

PERHAPS YOUR CONTENDERS in the race to the presidency in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections which are just four months away, would have been more enthusiastic and overwhelmed than you do if they were the ones that received the endorsement of such a significant number of lawmakers that represent the entire citizenry in the Legislature.

NOTWITHSTANDING, MR. PRESIDENT, we wonder as to whether their declaration of support for your re-election was done in consultation with their respective constituents?

THE REACTION OF some citizens of Bong County in the wake of their lawmakers’ assurance to deliver the County to you during the pending elections is a testimony of our doubt.

ACCORDING TO A SPOKESMAN of the Bong citizens, who spoke to journalists, Mr. President, let not their lawmakers deceive you, because majority of them, citizens, have a different plan that favors the opposition.

WHILE THE VIEWS of this group of Bong citizens may not however represent the views of the entire population of the County, Mr. President, don’t take their reaction for granted because it is likely that not many of the lawmakers that declared support for your re-election consulted their respective constituents or have good rapport with them.

THIS IS WHY, Mr. President, we urge that you don’t rely on those lawmakers, many of them your partisans, because their declaration of support for your re-election was not done with the acquiescence of the people they claim to represent.

BESIDES, MR. PRESIDENT, no amount of endorsements or declarations of support for your re-election is a surety for your re-election, but instead, the fulfilment of the numerous promises you made to address the issues of massive unemployment, poverty, corruption, injustice and insecurity are the surety.

ANYTHING CONTRARY TO that, Mr. President, as we have always said in Liberia, leave your own with God.

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