LNBA Condemns Brutal Attack on Its NEC Member

Crime Watch

LNBA Condemns Brutal Attack on Its NEC Member

LNBA President Cllr. Sylvester Rennie

…Calls for Arrest, Investigation & Prosecution of Perpetrators

By Taisiah K. Merfee

The leadership of the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) has condemned the recent brutal attack meted against one of its National Executive Council members, Cllr. Kukuyon Wleh-Teh by men believed to be workers of the Bea Mountain in the King Jor area in Grand Cape Mount County.

The Bar unconditionally calls on the Ministry of Justice to arrest, investigate and immediately prosecute perpetrators to deter others who might desire to engage in similar conduct.

The Bar in its statement released on Tuesday June 13, 2023 says as a result of the unwarranted, unprovoked and senseless attack on Cllr. Kukuyon Wleh-Teh which he suffered multiple cuts and bruises and had to spend days in Hospital after theย  mob action clearly carried out by some yet to be identified attackers..

The LNBA added that from information in its possession, Cllr. Kukuyon Wleh-Teh a member of the Bar and one of Legal Counsels of Bea Mountain Mining Corporation, upon an invitation from said client, traveled to the new Liberty site on Friday June 2, 2023 to address some pertinent legal issues.

The Bar statement said while visiting the mining concession area that needed their attention, upon the arrival on the scene of the accident, the management was advised by Cllr. Wleh-Teh to contact the police, which was done without delay.

That on the same June 3, 2023 the management learnt that an unidentified worker was inciting workers to stop work without any notice or justification and on Sunday June 4, 2023 while at the power station, Cllr. Wleh -Teh was brutally attacked by a group of workers in a well calculated and premeditated fashion with the intention to kill.

The LNBA is at the same time saying “if lawyers who represent their clients under the circumstances describe here in are not safe, no citizens will consider his or her life and properties to be safe under any rule of law regimen “.

Equally the Bar asserts that these attacks will cause unmanageable and inordinate delay in the administration of justice and impact negatively on the livelihood of members of the Bar, many of whom are litigators.

The Bar narrated that it shall firmly resist any attempt by Anti-rule of law elements to return the legal Profession to the dark days where lawyers conducted their Professional affairs in fear, as the bar reminds citizens that lawyers are not their enemies or opposition as they only aid the administration of justice and the court of Law still remains the lawful and civil from to ultimately resolved conflicts.

The LNBA, is meanwhile urging its members to remain security conscious while carrying out their activities, as the LNBA leadership at the same time calls on the Ministry of Justice to always protect members of the Bar by making efforts to apprehend and bring to Justice anyone who violates the Rights of lawyers.

In another Development, the LNBA call’s on employers around country to conduct themselves in ways that will improve industrial relations among tripartite constituents which includes government, employees and employers, as this can only be achieved from negotiations and signing of collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between employers and employee with attestation by government consistent with law.

An effective collective bargaining agreement will always preserve the rights and interests of tripartite constituents and minimize the incidence of conflicts in work places around the Country.

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