Market Women Laud MPC Political Leader Freeman for Waiving L$4M Loan

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Market Women Laud MPC Political Leader Freeman for Waiving L$4M Loan

By: Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Score of women in Montserrado County Electoral District #10, especially those doing business at the Peace Island Market in the Congo Town vicinity, over the weekend expressed delight in opposition leader of the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC), Simon Freeman for waving to them L$4 million previously given as a loan, with the intend to return the principal without any interest attached.

Jessecia Blackie, and Irane Tweah, who represented the group in their testimony stated Mr. Simeon Freeman as part of his plan to lift women from poverty, provided the money to market women across the district to enable them sell and having accrue interest they would have the principal returned.

But to their dismay, upon returning the money on Friday June 2, 2023, the MPC leader told them to have the principal.

In furtherance, they revealed the intent of the MPC leader that he only requested them to bring back to principal so that other women can have the chance to get the loan and do business as well.

Meanwhile, the women noted his reason of waving the principle to them is in appreciation of effort to return the principal of their share of the L$4 million loan within less than a year.

Therefore, urging other recipients to see it as a motivation to have the money returned, so other women, especially those in the rural settlement can have the opportunity to get involved in business, using the same means.

In a conversation with some of the beneficiaries, Jessecia Blackie said they are grateful to the Movement for Progressive Change Political leader for taking shame from their faces.

Two of the many market women in Peace Island market in Montserrado County electoral district #10 who benefitted from the MPC political leader L#4 million loan

“We the women of District #10 had been going through so many hard times and by the special grace of God he was able to come to our needs by providing Loan to the women which had added more value to our lives.”

According to her, they were told by Mr. Freeman that if the first group concludes the pavement of the loan he was going to give the money to another group to enable them have access to the loan.

She said they received the money at the time when there was nothing for them to hope on but the MPC leader came in and took shame from their faces.

“The money being talked about is 4 million Librarian dollars but each group was given L$55,000 without any interest rate attached to it, the only thing you need to do is to sell and return the money for others to be part of it.”

She added that it’s the responsibility of the Government to create jobs and provide loans for the women but it has neglected its duty.

The women group narrated that the only time leaders come to them is during elections when elections are gone they longer go back to them us and it time that they put stop to this, she added.

Another beneficiary Irane Tweah, in her testimony said before coming to the program she normally sat home without doing anything because she never had money to do business but since she was given the opportunity to get a loan her life and that of the lives of her children have improved.

She said: “These are leaders that we are looking for, a leader that will come to the needs of its people. Life has not been easy with me and my family but by the special grace of God through the MPC political leader life is getting better.”

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