ULAA Applauds Liberians Win in US Municipal, Counties Elections

Diaspora News

ULAA Applauds Liberians Win in US Municipal, Counties Elections

By Stephen Binda

The Leadership of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA) has sent a congratulatory note to Liberians elected during Tuesday’s May 16, 2023, Municipal and Counties Elections across the United States.

ULAA in a statement released Wednesday, May 17, 2023, said Liberian-Americans’ participation and their subsequent win demonstrate the diversity of America’s democracy, as well as their endless capacity to excel in the diaspora. ULAA National President, Hon. J. Shiwoh Kamara said the victories must serve as a motivational factor to all Liberians to strive for greatness despite the odds.

Meanwhile, ULAA has also begun holding discussions with government stakeholders regarding the closure of the Liberian Consulate in the State of Minnesota. The Consulate officially closed Wednesday, May 17, 2023, following the end of a (90) ninety-day extension granted by authorities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia following ULAA’s intervention and state-wide citizens’ protest in February this year.

According to the Liberian Government, its decision is geared towards transitioning from a paper-service approach to an online partnership deal with a private company based in New York. Nevertheless, ULAA believes that the closure and subsequent switching of services of the consulate, present excruciating pains and sufferings for thousands of Liberians in the Mid-West and surrounding areas.

ULAA also believes that the private-partnership deal by the government defeats the Liberianization policy, as well as the George Weah-led administration proclaimed pro-poor agenda. ULAA President however wants Liberians across the Mid-West to exercise calm and patience, as it engages the government and its partners with hopes for the continuous operation of the consulates.

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