

Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine, daughter of deceased astute lawyer and politician, Charles Walker Brumskine, is seemingly in a dilemma over whether she must pursue her political ambition of wanting to contest a legislative seat for District Number Three in her native Grand Bassa County or accept to be the running mate to Collaborating Political Parties’ (CPP) standard bearer, Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, in the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections as it is being rumored.

It is, however, apparent that whichever of the two options she chooses, it is lose-or-win game.

Nevertheless, while we urge the brilliant young lawyer, who wants to venture into politics, to listen to her intuition as to which way to go, here are few glaring facts she must consider before taking a decision.

Firstly, with her late father’s legacy in Grand Bassa and the backing of Senator Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence, another influential citizen of the county, Charlyne’s chances of winning a seat in the Legislature are promising than the chances of Alexander Cummings of the CPP to win the 2023 presidential election.

In a nutshell, the uncertainty of Cummings winning the presidency in 2023 is more glaring than Charlyne losing if she contests the Bassa District-three seat in the Legislature.

It is Charlyne’s prerogative to decide, but we urge her to follow her intuition and not allow herself to be lured into a try-and-error situation that she may end up regretting. It is our best guess that you prefer securing for yourself a representative seat in the Legislature for six years than denying yourself of that opportunity only because you want to become a running mate to a presidential candidate whose chances to win the presidency are very slim.

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