Simeon Freeman MPC Moves Into Weah’s Stronghold PHP with Humanitarian Assistance

Diaspora News

Simeon Freeman MPC Moves Into Weah’s Stronghold PHP with Humanitarian Assistance

IPNEWS: The Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) of businessman Simeon Freeman has taken its developmental initiative to the PHP community.

The initiatives according to MPC, are based on numerous plead to its political leader Simeon Freeman from the people of PHP to help the people.

The Community residents explained to Freeman that for months the community has been out of electricity, something according to them is increasing the crime rate in the community.

The residents pleaded with Mr. Freeman to help repair their damaged transformer which is their only source of income.

“We have been in darkness for more than three months and we have tried as a community but couldn’t see our way out as a community, we had to engage Mr. Freeman to help us provide the funding to fix the transformer and he agreed,” lady Queen Sheba, a prominent woman in the community noted.

Madam Sheba told reporters that the community appreciates the contributions of Mr. Freeman including his political party the MPC.

She said Mr. Freeman has already provided the funding for the restoration of electricity in the community.

She also disclosed that Freeman has taken the initiative to also facilitate the cleaning of the drainages and the renovation of the pit latrines among others.

“Like the way the people of Buchana are happy for their over 27 roads that Honorable Simeon fix for them is the same way we too are celebrating the efforts of him and his party MPC for giving the money for our light and cleaning of drainage as well as the renovations our public toilets,”

PHP community is wildly known to be the stronghold of incumbent President Weah, the community seems to be abandoned by the Liberian leader.

Another prominent son of the Community Morris Kowo expressed thanks and appreciation to Mr. Freeman and his party for helping the community.

“Even though he is a politician but deserves to be thanked for what he and his party have embarked on in our community, can you imagine us being in the heart of the city and we lack electricity, pit latrines, and proper drainage systems, to see a man that values our health, we must thank him for his good work,”

For his part, the Chairman of the MPC, O’Neil Passawe who proxy for Mr. Freeman to provide the party contribution to the community said Mr. Freeman is passionate to see the health of Liberians better.

“Our Standard Bearer will continue to help you the ordinary Liberians, this is the clear humanitarian vision we saw in him for which we are behind him today,” Passawe noted as he submits the money for the lights to the community.

He noted that Mr. Freeman’s presidency will focus on core issues affecting the greater population, saying,” Mr. Freeman will not be like other leaders who get to power and only focus on their belly and forget about those who placed them there.”

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