Baptist Church Grows …As New Branch Dedicated


Baptist Church Grows …As New Branch Dedicated

By Emmanuel Weedee-Conway

IPNEWS: The Baptist Church here in Liberia is growing numerically as Sunday, April 23, 2023 saw the dedication of Lucia B. Paygai Baptist Church ((LBBC) – a subsidiary of the Lucia B. Paygai Christian Ministry Inc.

Located in Ben Town on Marshall Road in Margibi County, the (LBBC) was constructed by Deacon Mother Lucia Boakai Paygai, a Christian counselor, and her husband Dr. Q. Somah Paygai, an educator and politician.

Dedication of the LBBC was attended by representatives from various branches of the church both in Margibi and Monrovia.

Delivering a special dedicatory sermon, Rev. Charles Diggs from the historic Providence Baptist Church, who represented Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, President of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Education Convention and Senior Pastor of the Providence Baptist Church, craved the indulgence of Acting Pastor of the LBBC, Deacon Mother Paygai to serve with humidity.

Preaching on the theme: “But if…..” with text drawn from the Book of 2nd Chronicle 7:13-21, the preacher man told Mother Paygai and members of the congregation that the church belongs to God and not man, and as such, it must be used to serve the people of God and not personalized.

“Never forsake God if the Ministry is to grow. Do not allow pride, ignorance and arrogance to take you away. Do not forsake God for other god’s,” he added with to Liberians to remain in the worship of God’s words.

In response, Deacon Mother Paygai vowed to serve God with whole mind and soul without any sense of proud.

According to her, the property given for use by the Baptist Church is in line with her long-time commitment to God that upon her return from the United States of America (USA), she would serve God holistically.

“There is nothing like home; I mean there is nothing like your heritage. I actually promised to serve God when upon my return home. And so I decided to build a house of God. This is where it has brought us. Thank God for the strength to work for him. This church is not my church. It’s a house for God for Christian,” she maintained.

“We can only depend God for salvation; I will move on and the house and words of God will remain forever. There is no pride. I pray for a bigger sanctuary,” she added.

Meanwhile, other prominent members of the Baptist Church including former Margibi County Senator, Deacon Clarice Alpha Jah, lauded the Paygai family for their service to God and mankind.

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