“Your Vote is Your Desired Change” – ALCOP Standard Bearer Urges Citizens to Participate in BVR-II


“Your Vote is Your Desired Change” – ALCOP Standard Bearer Urges Citizens to Participate in BVR-II

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The opposition All Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP) is urging citizens to participate in the second phase of the ongoing Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) in order to have their voices hear.

Speaking over the weekend, ALCOP standard bearer Mr. Lusìnee F Kamara, Sr appealed to citizens within the remaining nine counties to show up for the voter registration process, adding that it’s their vote that can bring the fruit they desire.

“We commend the general public for taking part in Phase One of the Voter Registration exercise. We still want to urge all other Liberians residing in the other counties to take part in Phase Two of the Voter Registration exercise.  As we say Eid Mubarak to you all, we hereby urge all Liberians to hold together as one people. United we stand; but divided we fall. May Allah accept our prayers, unite our hearts and bless our nation, Liberia” he stated.

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has kicked off Phase-II of the voter registration process in Bong, Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Lofa, Maryland, Nimba, Rivercess, River Gee, and Sinoe counties respectively.

The process was triggered due to the completion of the first phase of the voter registration exercise which was held in Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, and Montserrado Counties.

At the same time ALCOP Standard Bear Mr. Kamara, Sr has described the security support of the Government of Liberia towards Muslims during the last one week night of prayer of the Holy Ramadan as remarkable and signals of an era of tolerance and co-existence.

Speaking over the weekend in a congratulatory message to Muslims and non-Muslins for their support to the Holy Month of Ramadan, ALCOP political leader said that support from the government and other well-meaning Liberians to the Muslim Community demonstrate peaceful co-existence and tolerance.

“We salute government security agencies for providing security to our people in the night of Ramadan, when Muslims got together to do night prayers. This was remarkable and it signals an era of tolerance and coexistence. This security visibility is really commendable. We also love the goodwill and support of the general public for Muslims in Ramadan” Mr. Kamara applaud.

ALCPOP Standard Bearer Lusinee F. Kamara

The former Finance Minister at the same time, expressed congratulations to the Muslim Community for the successful completion of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

“Congratulation to my fellows Muslims & the General Public on the Successful Conclusion of Ramadan, 2023. Happy Eid Mubarak. We appreciate everyone’s for their support and dedication to the coast of Liberia. With your prayers, we believe Allah, the Almighty and most gracious had listen to us and will redeemed Liberia” Mr. Kamara added.

He extolled them for standing in the gap for Liberia and their families most especially as Liberia prepares for the 2023 Presidential and legislatives Election.

“We, therefore, congratulate all Muslims for working hard in Ramadan to please Allah, through exclusive worship of the Almighty and total kindness to the creation of Allah. Thank you for asking Allah in Ramadan to protect Liberia from all forms of insecurity; and to grant us wisdom and guidance as we seek Allah’s blessing in our effort to make Liberia a better home for all Liberians” Mr. Kamara stressed.

Explaining the importance of Ramadan, he indicated that it was a very special moment in which Muslims increase their spiritual devotion with genuine consciousness to Allah.

Mr. Kamara disclosed that Ramadan gave Muslims the opportunity to increase fellowship with one another and to strengthen their brotherhood and social cohesion, as civilized, disciplined and tolerant citizens of Liberia. Reports Taisiah K. Merfee

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