Cummings Pleads with Borough Intellectuals and Development Forum to Elect Him Liberia Next President


Cummings Pleads with Borough Intellectuals and Development Forum to Elect Him Liberia Next President

By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The political leader of the opposition Collaborating Political Party (CPP) told intellectuals of the Borough of New Kru Town to elect him as the next President of the Republic of Liberia because President George Weah has failed the Liberian people in all sector of the Country.

Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings said if he elected to the nation’s higher seat he going to make sure that the country and its people get better health care services, Good Education system, a strong Rule of Law, the creation of more jobs for the Young people who are qualified to work.

Cummings who was escorted by a high power delegation from the CPP, ANC and LP and along with his wife Mrs. Theresa Cummings said a new Liberia under his administration will create more jobs as Liberians will have the opportunity to benefit from the Resources and even the taxes they pay.

He said a new Liberia that he normally talks about will see Liberians eating what they grow and all Liberians will have access to better Education, Good Roads and more Development under a new Liberia that he so cherish.

The CPP political leader said the issues of the rule of law in the new Liberia is where all Liberians will have access to good Justice system.

“This is a Liberia where we want to give all Liberians the opportunity, if you violate the law of the land you will not have access to a new Liberia because we will use the Constitution to prosecute you “.

He then told the people of Montserrado County District #16 that if they want  the a new Liberia it means that all Liberians  have to work together in making President Weah a one-term President.

“Liberia is 175 years, the  oldest in West Africa but yet the country is underdeveloped due to the decisions that Liberians made by electing bad leaders to national leadership if we can’t do our best to develop  Liberia it will not change, we have to work for it and make the needed sacrifices.”

“If we want Liberia the change we need good leaders in this country, Liberia will not change if we don’t change the style of leadership, we cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results”.

Responding to a question posed to the CPP political leader he responded “if we should give President Weah a second term I cannot say yes but look at the country from the past five years, is the country moving ahead or is the country developed if that is the case it is up to you the Liberian people.”

He at the same time narrated to the residents of Montserrado County District #16 that Liberia has lost of resources but the citizens are not benefiting from them, stating Liberia is the oldest Republic and yet stay we are very poor  as for any country to develop you have to have a better infrastructure.

On the question about CPP, Mr. Cumming said “you don’t enter a race to come second you always go with the mindset of coming first, if we want to change Liberia we need to get rid of plan B if you dwell with it you will be in second place.”

“Comes October there will be more people coming and the choice is yours to make the next President based on what you will do by voting rightly”.

He said he has contributed to the development raging as far back as 2014  During the Ebola crisis when people were going out of the country for healthcare  he was there keeping the people healthy by our various contribution donating preventative materials to the very healthcare center throughout the country.

“We did this before and we can even do it as time goes on, we have played our part, we have a lot of concern on the conduct of the BVR there was not pilot test done before the start of the process, and I don’t trust the creditability of this Government that the Elections will be fair”.

Concluding, the CPP political leader and standard bearer stated “Liberia can only be better if we all work together in making me the next President of Liberia.”

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