Calls on Legislators to Take Key Role in Budget Preparation Dominate Regional Exchange Forum


Calls on Legislators to Take Key Role in Budget Preparation Dominate Regional Exchange Forum

Representatives P. Mike Jury and Ivar Jones at the Mombasa Forum in Kenya

–Forum Focuses on Legislative Budgeting and Public Debt Management

IPNEWS-Mombasa: A Legislative Delegation including senior staff of the Legislative Budget Office of the Liberian Legislature is currently in Mombasa, Kenya participating in forum on Legislative Budgeting and Public Debt Management.

Lawmakers in the region have been urged to take a key role in the budget preparation process so as to ensure that the budget is responsive to people’s needs and certify that the budgets they approve are being appropriated for the programs they were sanctioned for.

Speaking during the start of a 3-day forum on Legislative Budgeting and Public Debt Management, various participants emphasized the role of the Legislative Budget Process as a critical driver for effective oversight.

Sharing his Legislative experience, the head of the Liberian Delegation P. Mike Jury led discussions on how the legislators can balance party priorities, constituents’ demands, expectations from the Executive branch and overall national interests through the budget making process.

Separately during a Panel discussion, legislators have been urged to ensure that citizen priorities and interests are reflected in the national budget of their respective Countries.

Rep. Ivar Jones also noted that incorporating the views and appreciating the place of individual citizens, cıvıl society and the media in the national budget review and approval process is crucial for increased transparency in the budget process.

At the same time, lawmakers from regional legislatures have called for more inclusion of Parliaments in the budget making process so as to enhance their oversight role towards better debt management.

The event hosted by the National Assembly in partnership with the House Democracy Partnership through the Congressional forum’s local partner, the National Democratic Institute, has attracted participants from Liberia, Kenya, The Gambia, Mozambique, Ghana, and Zambia. Courtesy: The House of Representative, Republic of Liberia.

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