President Weah Makes Additional Appointments in Government


President Weah Makes Additional Appointments in Government

IPNEWS-Monrovia: President  George Weah on Tuesday, April 18, 2023,  nominated Madam Princess Tulkorlon as Deputy Minister for Culture and Tourism at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT).

Earlier, president Weah nominated three commissioners to the Board of Directors for Tax Appeal. The nominated commissioners are Mr. Alfred S. Gibson, Boka Wreh, and George L. Wortuah.

President Weah also appointed former Chief Justice Cllr. Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. as Government’s Representative to the Board of Directors, ArcelorMittal Liberia Holding Limited. His appointment takes immediate effect.

Former Chief Justice, Francis S. Korkpor, Sr has been appointed as Government’s Representative to the Board of Directors, ArcelorMittal Liberia Holding Limited

Additionally, the Liberian Chief Executive has named Madam Martha Korpu member of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC).

Besides the former Chief Justice, the rest of the nominations are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate.

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