PERSPECTIVE: Farmington River Declaration – Another Mirage or a Reality?


PERSPECTIVE: Farmington River Declaration – Another Mirage or a Reality?

–As President Weah Reportedly Launches ‘Verbal Assault’ on Rainbow Alliance Political Leader; CDC Chair Morlu Accuses Opposition of Destroying Partisans’ Voters Cards

IPNEWS-Monrovia: In June of 2017, about 20 of Liberia’s registered political parties signed the Farmington River Declaration, committing themselves to prevent electoral violence, impunity, and injustice and pledging before ECOWAS heads of state.

The actors agreed then that whenever political conflicts occurred, they would address said conflicts through mediation or through legal means.

At that declaration duped the “Farmington River Declaration”, the parties committed in 2017 that their political campaign activities would be conducted in such a manner that would not only preserve but also enhance and maintain the peace and unity of Liberia.

Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission. The brainchild of the Farmington River Declaration intended to prevent conflict and violence before, during and after the October 2023 elections. Will the all political actors and stakeholder live up the terms of the document?

Fast forward to January 2023, the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL) called on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the National Elections Commission (NEC), and political parties to immediately revisit the Farmington River Declaration ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

The Council in a release in January this year said it believed that a re-visitation of the Farmington River Declaration is a crucial first step ahead of the impending elections in maintaining peace and security and enhancing national unity and reconciliation.

NCSCL noted that going forward; Liberia deserves nothing but a tranquil society full of political tolerance and respect for every actor, regardless of their sides or persuasions.

The Council indicated that the current political climate in Liberia is blurred and heavily inundated with potential threats of conflicts and a heightened sense of violence and chaos that require urgent intervention before the 2023 general and presidential elections are conducted.

“If the rising political tensions are left unattended, this could break beyond measure and produce unimaginable consequences,” said the Council said in January of this year.

The Council maintained that the undesirable interference of the country devil in the 2020 midterm election in Gbarpolu County against senatorial candidate Gboto Kanneh and the senatorial by-elections in  Lofa County respectively, the brutalization of members of the Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) of the state-run University of Liberia over their “Fix the Country Protest” by fanatics of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the desperate war of words usually spewed by members of the ruling CDC and the opposition community as key factors that urgently warrant a re-visitation of the Farmington River Declaration before it is too late.

“The past is too dark and dirty and we cannot afford to slip an inch into any form of political chaos anymore,” NCSCL emphasized in January 2023.

The Signing of the Farmington Declaration 2023

On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, twenty-six (26) political parties in Liberia signed the Farmington River Declaration, recommitting their various parties to the October 10, 2023 Non-Violence Elections.

The Farmington River Declaration was initiated during the 2017 Elections by former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

Among the political parties that signed the Declaration included the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Unity Party (UP), Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) and the People’s Liberation Party (PUP).

Speaking at the signing ceremony on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at the Farmington Hotel in Lower Margibi County, President George Weah said: “The document is a testament of the elevation of Liberia’s democracy.” “The conduct of peaceful elections in October will demonstrate Liberians’ readiness for the sustenance of peace, security, stability and development.”

Also speaking, Unity Party (UP) Standard Bearer former Vice President, Joseph Boakai, recommitted the various political parties to upholding the Farmington Declaration of non-violence.

Mr. Boakai, however, called on political actors, ordinary Liberians and the National Elections Commission (NEC) to work together to address issues that can bring about electoral   violence.

He recounted some elections violence experienced in several bi-elections conducted in parts of the Country, which did not augur well for Liberia’s emerging democracy.

Meanwhile, ECOWAS Commission Chairman, Omar Alieu Touray, pledged ECOWAS continued support to the Liberia’s electoral process to ensure the Country’s democracy is strengthened.

Dr. Touray, however, warned ECOWAS Zero Tolerance on election violence, and stressed that ECOWAS will punish those who get involve in election violence.

“Pres. Weah First to Violate Farmington Declaration 2023” – Rainbow Alliance Standard Bearer, Reginald Goodridge

Barely few minutes after the 26 political parties recommitted themselves to the Farmington River Declaration, according to the standard bearer and political leader of the opposition Rainbow Alliance, Reginald Goodridge,  President George Weah, standard bearer and political leader of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), demonstrated insincerity in the highest degree by blatantly violating the newly-signed Farmington Declaration 2023, intended to prevent violence and conflict before, during and after the pending October 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

Mr. Reginald B. Goodridge, Standard Bearer, Rainbow Alliance. He has accused of CDC political leader and standard bearer, President George Weah of verbal attacks which he says put his life in danger

Addressing a news conference Thursday, April 6, 2023, Mr. Goodridge disclosed he was verbally attacked by CDC standard bearer and political, President Weah, at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi where political parties and their leaders had gathered to sign a peace document ahead of the October elections, in the presence of the ECOWAS, UN and other international bodies heads in Liberia.

Goodridge narrated that, “At about 3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, following the signing of the Revised Farmington River Declaration at the Farmington Hotel, I was approached in an aggressive manner by the President of Liberia, Mr. George Manneh Weah. He said to me, and I quote, ‘Goodridge, are you enjoying democracy in Liberia?’ I was surprised by the question and lost for words.”

 “I moved away from the President. He approached me again, and repeated the question several times, ‘Goodridge, I say, ehn you enjoying democracy in Liberia?’ Before I could find an answer, he said to me, “Look at you. You are a rogue. You stole my car and burned down my house.’ I responded to the President that what he had said was a lie, and there was an intense exchange of words between us.

“The President made these false allegations in an angry tone surrounded by his bodyguards, in the presence of his wife, Mrs. Clar Weah, Lusinee F. Kamara, Political Leader of the All Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP), and Rev. David Kermue, Political Leader of the Democratic People’s Party of Liberia (DPPL).”

He reasoned that the President’s alleged verbal assault on him as a political leader in the opposition community, in the presence of his armed bodyguards, and other members of his government in the wake of speculations of extra-judicial killings of auditors and other persons in Liberia serves as a license for him to be killed.

According to Mr. Goodridge, the general response has been one of shock, dismay and alarm, adding, “Many are questioning the motive of the president, especially moments after he affixed his signature to the Farmington River Declaration which states among other issues on page 3, count 6 and 8, under the heading, Campaign Management, as follows:”

Count 6: “Refrain from making or causing to make in our names or that of our party, or coalition, any public statements, pronouncements, declarations or speeches, or use of language, online or offline, that have the propensity to incite any form of violence or intimidation and human rights abuses before, during and after elections…”

Count 8: “Refrain from on and offline disinformation, fake news and online manipulation that will influence or polarize public opinion or promote skepticism towards the electoral process and institutions and, in the end, undermine the integrity of the democratic process.”

The Rainbow Alliance standard bearer and political leader asserted that the fact that the President violated the Farmington River Declaration a few moments after he made a keynote address and pledged that he and his government will abide by the letter of the agreement is cause for concern, not only for the Rainbow Alliance, but all other opposition political institutions.

“Moreover, the president’s verbal assault on me as a political leader in the opposition community, in the presence of his armed bodyguards, and other members of his government in the wake of speculations of extra-judicial killings of auditors and other persons in Liberia serves as a license to have me killed,” Mr. Goodridge stated.

“They Are Buying and Destroying CDC Partisans’ Voters Cards” – CDC Chair Morlu

As if President George Weah’s reported verbal attacks against one of the opposition leaders, Reginald Goodridge were not enough, the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, CDC’s National Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, accused opposition politicians of engaging in a conspiracy to rob President George Weah, seeking a second term of office, of his partisans’ votes during the October 10, 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections.

Morlu told a news conference on Thursday, April 6, 2023 two days following the signing of the Farmington River Declaration, that opposition politicians he did not name, are allegedly buying and destroying the voters’ registration cards of partisans of the CDC with a criminal intent to rob the President of votes and stop him from winning a second term. He did not show proof.

CDC National Chairman, Mulbah K. Morlu. He has accused the opposition bloc of buying and destroying CDC partisans voters’ cards, but failed to show proof. The Farmington Declaration speaks against fake news and false accusations.

There has so far been no reaction from the opposition community, but critics of the CDC say Morlu’s allegation was a sign the ruling party has lost self-confidence and is unsure of winning the elections, wants to use the opposition as a scapegoat.

Morlu has meanwhile declared the remaining days of the voters’ registration exercise a Coalition registration period, urging all partisans of the ruling party to register, warning that partisans, who fail to display their voters’ registration cards will face grave consequences.

Whapoe Condemns Farmington River Declaration

The opposition Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT) political leader Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe has described the Farmington River Declaration signed by 26 political parties as completely ludicrous and a waste of time.

Addressing a press conference Thursday, 6 April 2023, two days after the signing of the document, at his party head office on the Old Road, Dr. Whapoe averred the Government of Liberia has every right to defend and protect the state.

He argued that it includes providing a fair, transparent, and peaceful election. Whapoe believes that bringing opposition political parties to sign commitment for a peaceful, and transparent election is absurd.

 “I don’t know why political parties have to sign declaration for peace and transparent election. I think that is completely nonsensical and waste of time,” he said.

“It’s a waste of time because the opposition political parties that signed are not the ones that are in control of the security of the state, guns, police and the military in the country,” he added.

The opposition leader stated that it sounded foolish to say that opposition parties should sign commitment for peaceful and transparent election.

He indicated that the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) should hold the government responsible. He stated that the government has all it takes constitutionally to protect the country and provide free, fair, and transparent election.

VOLT political leader, Dr. Jeremiah Whapoe. He says the Farmington River Declaration is not necessary as the CDC-led government is charge of the State and must be able to create a violence free environment for all political parties and actors to participate in activities leading to the October polls without any hindrances or threats.

Dr. Whapoe accused the government of violating the Election Law, saying it has engaged in pre-campaign activities. He further accused the government of conducting voter registration without demarcating constituencies as the Constitution requires after conducting a national census.

“It’s not the future aggrieved opposition that should be signing peace agreement, rather it should be the government alone because they control the military, police and election. The peace is in their hands, if they decide to do the right thing, we will have a peaceful society. Nigeria had election and did not sign that. It’s the individual rights of people to express their dissatisfaction,’’ Dr. Whapoe contended.

He indicated that Liberians, including Montserrado County District #10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah have complained about the election breaches by the President and the National Election Commission did not do anything about it. He added that ECOWAS did not step in.

“Now, they are not holding the government responsible, but they want to hold the opposition responsible for what they are not envisaging,” he added.

“They want us to accept any result that’s why they are doing that so we can say for the sake of peace. I am not preaching violence, but I am preaching the protection of the Constitution and the Elections Law,” the VOLT political leader lamented.

He claimed that there is no history in Liberia that the opposition political parties have ever instigated and created mayhem in the country.

Whapoe noted that over the past time, they have witnessed opposition political parties taking government to court, using the judiciary as a point to address their grievances.

“Election matter was taken to court by opposition political parties and it was manhandled by the judiciary. We saw it in 2017, Cllr. Charles W. Brumskine and many more,” he said.

Will Insincerity Dampen the Spirit and Intent of the Farmington Declaration?

It is five days today, April 9, 2023 since 26 registered political parties signed and recommitted themselves to the Farmington River Declaration intended as a driving tool to prevent conflicts and violence ahead of the October 10, 2023 presidential and legislature.

From all indications, the spirit and intent of the Farmington River Declaration is superb and if blended with sincerity from the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government and all political stakeholders the October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections are poised to be violence and conflict-free.

NEC Chairperson Davidetta Brown Lansanah – will NEC be able to institute punitive measures against political actors, stakeholders and parties that violate the Farmington River Declaration?

The early throwing of jabs and accusations from senior stalwarts of the ruling CDC against those from the opposition are not good omens for the Farmington River Declaration. The verbal attacks that the political leader and standard bearer of the opposition Rainbow Alliance, Reginald Goodridge has accused the President of, as well as CDC chairman Mulbah Morlu accusing the opposition bloc of allegedly buying and destroying CDC partisans voters’ card, without naming any political party is a recipe for chaos and violence.

As the opposition Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT) political leader, Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe puts it, the main onus of preventing violence and conflicts is squarely on the laps of the ruling CDC, because they are in charge of the State and must ensure at all cost that peace and stability reign throughout the electoral process.

According to some political pundits, the gullibility and vulnerability of the Liberian society has to be taken into considerations by all political actors and stakeholder as they go about engaging their respective constituents in asking for their supports for the October 10, 2023 polls.

If the Farmington River Declaration is to yield fruitful results and become a reality, all political actors have to demonstrate sincerity, honesty, commitment above all LOVE for country and live by every dictate of the document, other than that, it will become another mirage, where political actors sign document with the intent to achieve an objective outcome but only to renege and engage in negative activities that will undermine the spirit and intent of the document.

Liberians and constituents are watching keenly each and every political party and their respective leaders’ activities leading to the October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections, and don’t be surprised on judgement day (October 10, 2023) when the people unleash their only power, which is the ballot, to either vote you out or deny you the opportunity to serve by choosing other candidates.

Let the spirit and intent of the Farmington River Declaration be fulfilled to make it a reality instead of becoming another mirage that will dampen the hopes and aspirations of the Liberian electorates and the country in general. The people are watching with eagles eyes. Writes: Siebo Williams, E-I-C; IPNEWS

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