Crime Watch


IPNEWS: This is an operation that was designed by Samuel Tweah and Lenn Eugene Nagbe to destroy JNB’s chances of unseating Weah, sources within the Unity Party tell IPNEWS.

According to the report, just as GoL, allegedly used Musa Bility and Benoni Urey to destroy the CPP riding on Alexander Cummings ambition, the George Weah administration has found a new tool to deal with the fact that JNB is still a potent threat even in a post-CPP context.

In this alleged grand GoL scheme to throw JNB off and secure a second term for Weah dubbed “OPERATION NORTHERN DUST 23”, Jeremiah Koung who is called “SANNIQUELLIE PROJECT” in leaked GoL strategy exchanges is to be inserted into the JNB running mate calculous to be later used as an albatross on JNB neck.

As soon as Jeremiah Koung is named, Weah’s top strategists will now coordinate with the GAC and LACC, and the media to systemically take down Koung and link JNB to corruption and by that tarnish his otherwise blameless public record.

PYJ has already been deceived into believing that Weah has paid for a US government lobbyist to delist him from the sanctions and guaranteed that NEC will accept his nomination papers come time to register for the senatorial race to succeed himself.

The nasty rhetoric deployed by PYJ against Weah is not a result of a genuine change of heart but a strategic move to secure a Weah first-round victory using a Trojan horse.

The project is so well crafted to produce audio, video, and irrefutable documentary evidence of JNB’s connection to illegal campaign fundraising schemes that divert funds from Public coffers using Koung’s influence and track record on the House ways means and finance. Once JNB is criminally indicted before the vote, UP and the opposition will lose the moral authority to scrutinize Weah’s record on corruption and poor governance. Through this operation, the CDC government is also trying to show the Americans and other foreign friends that JNB is no different from Weah thus, they should stay with the devil they know ( Weah) than take a risks with the Angel they have not seen in power yet ( JNB)

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