“2023 Elections are Critical for Liberians” – Mont. District #14 Representative


“2023 Elections are Critical for Liberians” – Mont. District #14 Representative

By Amos Harris

IPNEWS – The Representative of District # 14, Montserrado County Abraham V. Corneh says the 2023 elections are critical for Liberian democracy.

Speaking   March 31, 2023 over the weekend in District #14 in Montserrado County, Rep.  Corneh said Liberian should protect the peace of the country as citizens. “You should not allow any politicians to mislead you to violence for their own personal interest”.

The lawmaker said October 2023 elections are critical to all Liberians as the country moves forward for the betterment of the young people. “We will continue to campaign for the Coalition for Democracy Change (CDC) under President George Weah to continue do his developmental agenda in Liberia”.

Meanwhile, Rep. Corneh cautioned that young people as the future leaders of Liberia should not allow themselves to be used by politicians. “Young people should always preach peace in their community that other will learn from them”.  “If you want to be a leader, you should respect each other as we move to 2023 elections, your leaders will always be leader”.

The Lawmaker said that Montserrado County District #14 under his leadership is ready to campaign for president Weah for the second term.

Meanwhile, Rep. Corneh said advantages of biometric voters’ registration include prevention of multiple voter registrations, ensuring that there is the accuracy of the information collected and creation of voters’ identification for each voter.

He said the National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced the use of a biometric voters-identification system to prevent electoral fraud and chaos, which has marred previous elections. “Over the period of one year now, the effort has been made to transition from registration to the biometric technology for the registration of voters”.

Biometric systems have advantages and we would ensure they are properly utilized for the best interest of all eligible voters and the country in general, he concluded.

CDC Montserrado County District 14 Chapter National Youth League Passes Vote of No Confidence in Rep. Abraham Vamuyah Corneh

It a related development it can be recalled on March 22, 2023 Representative Abraham Vamuyah Corneh was a subject of a motion of no confidence from the National Youth League of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change in Montserrado County District 14.

Because of this, all district supporters of the CDC were urged to oppose his running on the CDC platform in the elections on October 10 by the chapter’s secretary, David Wesseh, and chairman, Jack Abednego Doe.

At a press conference conducted at the time at the District #14 offices of the Montserrado County Chapter of the CDC youth league in Clara Town Bushrod Island, Wesseh and Toe declared the vote of no confidence against Representative Corneh.

As evidenced by the numerous unfinished projects in the region, they contend that Representative Corneh has failed not only the party but also the district.

Montserrado County District #14 CDC Youth League are opposing Rep. Corneh for what they say ‘his failure to deliver in the District’ as a lawmaker

They alleged that their representative is corrupt and extremely cruel because he hasn’t given them an explanation for the District’s China Union money or the 30,000 USD for the past three years. Eighty percent of the employees in their lawmakers’ offices, according to Wesseh and Toe, are members of the opposition political groups.

The District #14 Montgomery County Chapter of the CDC Youth League leadership also revealed that preparations are being made to hold a demonstration against the lawmaker prior to the elections on October 10.

Based on this background, the youth group has urged elders who are unhappy with the legislator to be patient as attempts are being made to prevent him from being placed on the CDC ballot.

Representative Corneh was unavailable for comments because he was involved in a family program, but an Assistant told this local media that the Representative was more interested in the National Executive Committee of the party than the young people who were being exploited in the District.

Representative Corneh has served the District for the last 12 years and previous elections have been marked with violence and allegations of voters tracking by some residents.

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