“Stronger Laws Needed to Stop Voters Trucking” – NEC Chair, Davidetta Brown Lansanah


“Stronger Laws Needed to Stop Voters Trucking” – NEC Chair, Davidetta Brown Lansanah

–Says, “No Extension of Phase One of BVR”

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC), says on reports of voters trucking, is an old aged problem and to curtail such stronger laws are needed to effect the actions needed to deter unscrupulous individuals, who are engaged in the unlawful act.

Addressing an emergency press conference on Friday, March 31, 2023, apparently to dismiss the rumors of BVR extension, voters trucking and electoral violence, NEC’s Chairperson, Davidetta Brown-Lansanah, urged all Liberian citizens of voting age to use the designated time for phase one of the BVR process to register.

Commenting on voters trucking she noted: “In the absence of stronger laws to stop or minimize voter trucking, we just have to live with it,” Madam Brown-Lansanah noted.  She said because of the absence of the required law to stop the practice, some citizens are themselves taking actions that she said sometimes lead to violence.

Violence recently broke out in Montserrado County District #10 when residents alleged that the ruling CDC’s representative aspirant, Josephine Davies was trucking people who are not residents into the District to register there in favor of Miss Davies, who has since denied the allegations.

Similarly, some residents of the Brewerville Township, according to media reports, two weeks ago violently stopped an NTA bus that they alleged was trucking from Montserrado to Bomi County.

Regarding reports of Sierra Leoneans crossing into Liberia to register in the ongoing BVR process, NEC Chairperson said although she heard of the reports, the Commission has not been officially informed.

The National Elections Commission, NEC, has also clarified that phase-one of the ongoing biometric voters’ registration exercises that began on 9th March 2023 will end on 9th April 2023 and has not and will not be extended contrary to rumors being spread across the Country.

Election Violence

Madam Brown-Lansanah said NEC will use the period between 9th April to 17th May 2023 for temporary staff reports on phase one of the ongoing BVR process, while at the same time processing payment of the temporary staff.

She said the electoral commission will also use the same period 9th April to 17th April to retrieve BVR materials and equipment as it gears up to commence phase two of the voters’ registration exercise in Southeastern Counties, including Rivercess, River Gee, Grand Kru and Sinoe from 17th April to 27th May 2023.

The NEC Chairperson said the Commission has begun the recruitment and training of staff as part of preparations for the commencement of the BVR process in the Southeastern Region.

Asked about media reports that some citizens were being denied registration because of their names, Madam Davidetta Brown-Lassanah said all Liberians of eighteen years of age and above are eligible to register to vote in the pending elections and that individuals whose nationalities are being questioned must produce evidence to prove that they are Liberians. Writes: David N. Targbe

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