LNP Holds Vehicle Operator Liable for Traffic Accident at Rehab, RLJ Hotel Junction

Crime Watch

LNP Holds Vehicle Operator Liable for Traffic Accident at Rehab, RLJ Hotel Junction

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Liberia National Police has investigated and charged a male vehicle Operator identified as Sam Morris for reckless driving resulting into deaths, injuries and property damaged, following the recent fatal road traffic accident that occurred along the ELWA, RIA highway at RLJ Junction.

The accident occurred on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at about 1600hrs involving a white Renault truck with licensed plate number: UN-0695, operated by Sam Morris, a Liberian resident of Omega Community, Paynesville, and owned by UNIDO of One UN House, Pan African Plaza, 1st Street, Sinkor Monrovia and 13 vehicles.

The investigation further established that the UN truck operator lost control and collided with 13 vehicles including: 5 cars, 5 tricycles and 3 motorcycles, a tricycle finally got stuck under the truck and got on fire, leading the truck and the tricycle to burn.   As a result of the accident, two kids to be identified left in the tricycle under the truck and got burnt completely. The total of 11 people including 6 Traffic Police Officers were involved in the accident, 4 persons have been pronounced dead.

The Officers involved in the accident are:

CIP. Wolubah Moore

Sgt. William Davis

Ptr. Abraham Kemokai

Sgt. Jacob Sumo

Ptr. Milton Pewee and

Ptr. Emmanuel Gbowee who was pronounced dead on arrival at ELWA remains is at ELWA morgue.

The rest of the Officers are undergoing medical attention at the ELWA Hospital. The remains of the two unidentified kids are deposited at JFK morgue, while an unidentified male victim was also pronounced dead and is at the ELWA morgue.

Meanwhile, the operator, Sam Morris has been charged with reckless driving resulting to deaths, injuries and property damaged which is in violation of Section 10.4 of the vehicle and Traffic Laws of the Republic of awaiting Court prosecution. The LNP press release was signed and issued by H. Moses Carter, Sr., Head Press and Public Affairs (U-122), Liberia National Police, RL. Tel: 0770800122.

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