JNB Leaves Lofa Co. Cold: Registers to Vote in Montserrado County

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JNB Leaves Lofa Co. Cold: Registers to Vote in Montserrado County

IPNEWS: In a rather unusual political move, former Liberia Vice President Joseph Boakai has for the first time in more than fifteen years, register to vote in the ensuing October 10, 2023, elections in Montserrado County.

Former VP Boakai was on Thursday, March 23, seen at a Voter’s Registration Center in his Rehab Community to register sparking mixed givens by many political pundits and onlookers.

Many of the pundits both from the opposition and the governing Coalition for Democratic Change have questioned the move by former Vice President Boakai, for not registering in his home county of Lofa as done over time.

Former vice president Joseph Boakai and Mont. District 10 No. 10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah, minutes after registering

Some Political analysts, preferring anonymity, told IPNEWS that the former vice president’s decision not to vote in Lofa might just be an indication that he is out of favor with his one-time perceived stronghold of Lofa county.

Recently, former VP Boakai led a host of Unity Party officials and other opposition leaders to Lofa county to canvas for its Unity Party candidate in the Senatorial by-election that saw his UP candidate massively defeated by Cllr.  Joseph Jallah, of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).

Others within the opposition block narrate to IPNEWS that the decision by the former VP to register in Montserrado County might just signify how  Amb. Boakai and the Unity Party have lost control of the party’s one-time stronghold of Lofa county.

Before this move to register in Montserrado county, there has been rumor of a deepening confusion within the Unity Party over who becomes the vice running mate.

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