

Another voters’ registration exercise is about to get started and overzealous and power thirsty politicians are already on the move, looking for people to truck from one place to another to register for their selfish political interest.

In fact, some of them must have already begun trucking people from one district to another and one county to another.

Refuse to be trucked. Register to vote where you are resident because it is where you will have a say in the decisions that will affect your life for the better or the worst.

Resist the temptation of money and register to vote where you live.

Remember, politicians keep you poor purposely to exploit you because of your poverty.

This is why we urge you to resist the temptation of money by disallowing yourself to be trucked to register and cast your vote where you don’t belong.

Your vote is your right and power, don’t sell it for money, use it wisely for the good of your community, district and Country.

Politicians or individuals seeking public offices works must speak for them and not seek to be elected through dubious or unscrupulous means.

This is why you must refuse to be trucked. Remember, many of those who were trucked during previous elections are today regretting that if they had known the tricks and lies of politicians, they wouldn’t have allowed themselves to be trucked.

They do not mean well for you and mama Liberia.

All they want is your vote to get to power to enrich themselves, while you remain poor and destitute.

Refuse to be trucked. Let not allow individuals to undeservingly get elected to positions of trust through unscrupulous means.  Let their works in their respective constituencies speak for them.

No politician or individual whose works speak for him or her would desperately get on the run and looking for people to truck because of their obsession and naked quest for power.

We urge you to refuse to be trucked away from your community, district or county to register to vote. The act is not only unlawful, but is also robs your constituency, district or county of your vote.

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