Internews Holds Three-Day Elections Reporting Training for Liberian Journalists


Internews Holds Three-Day Elections Reporting Training for Liberian Journalists

A three-day elections reporting training workshop for Liberian journalists has started at Internews Liberia situated on Coleman Avenue, 19th Street in Sinkor, Monrovia under its USAID Media Activity project.

About 20 Liberian journalists drawn from all over Liberia are benefitting from the three-day elections reporting training workshop.

Internews Chief of Party (COP) Lien Bach addresses the opening session of the three–day election reporting training workshop being held at Internews Liberia headquarters in Sinkor, Monrovia

Several topics are being discussed. On Monday, March 20. 2023 Day-One the topics include – General Elections: Understanding the Rules and Procedure; Understanding the Electoral Cycle and Key Dates, NEC Migrating from OMR to Biometric, Advantages and Disadvantages; Research-based Journalism and Story-telling, Gender balance in election coverage and Basic Skills for Interviewing politicians.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Day-Two: The training will focus on Election Campaign and Voting Day Coverage; Introduction to Data Journalism, New Media & Journalism (Social Media) and the 4P Approach in Election Reporting – People-Parties-Processes-Places.

Cross section of Liberian journalists drawn from all over the country to participate in the three-day election reporting training

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Day-Three: The training will climax with topics including Conflict-sensitive Reporting During Election; Introduction to Facts Checking, Election Reporting Code of Ethics for Liberian Journalists and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

Publishers Association of Liberia (PAL) President Othello Garblah makes remarks at the opening session of the three-day training

Speaking to the participants, Internews Chief of Party, Lien Bach said her organization has embarked on empowering Liberian journalists in elections reporting as a way to enhance their knowledge and make them to advance their skills in reporting impartially on the pending 2023 elections.

Democracy International, Inc. Chief of Party -Liberia Elections & Democracy Activity, Stephanie Lynn makes remarks at the three-day election reporting training for Liberian journalists being held at Internews Liberia head offices in Sinkor

She said the 20 Liberian journalists being trained will be mentored for eight months by some senior Liberian media experts during the electioneering period as those journalists report on the 2023 elections. Ms. Bach said Internews wants to create a cream of Liberian journalists who will report professionally, impartially, credibly and free of political biases during the 2023 elections.

Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) Ms. Williams also makes remarks at the three-day elections reporting training

The opening session was graced by several election-based organizations, including the National Elections Commission (NEC), Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC), Democracy International, Inc. (DI), Publishers Association of Liberia (PAL) and EISA.

The organizers, participants and facilitators pose for the camera at the onset of the training

The Internews Three-Day Reporting Training Workshop for Liberian Journalists is being facilitated by media trainers at Interviews, Publishers Association of Liberia (PAL), the National Elections Commission (NEC) and Local Voices Liberia.

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