Green Revolution Blasts Senate for Imposing on ‘Dying Liberian Economy’


Green Revolution Blasts Senate for Imposing on ‘Dying Liberian Economy’

–Frowns on Passage of Retirement Package Bill

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The political pressure and advocacy group, Green Revolution of Liberia has blasted what it termed as “wicked Senators for cleverly trying to impose themselves on the ‘Dying Economy’ of the State after uselessly damaging the people nine years mandate given them.”


Pro-Temp Albert Chie: Progenitor of the Bill         Senator Saah Joseph voted ‘YES’

According to a statement signed and issued on Sunday, March 19, 2023 by the National Chairman and Gladiator of Green Revolution of Liberia, Varney Manja Gbassey Kromah, “just less than eight months for the people to pay them for ‘their corrupt and useless services’ to them for the past eight consecutive years, which is glaring that 99% of the 15 senators that will be going for reelection will not return, they have cleverly crafted the most notorious and wicked bill in which they want the people to continue to pay them for jobs they never did while in the people’s employ.”

  Lofa County Senator, Stephen H. Zargo voted ‘YES’

Grand Cape Mount Senator Varney Sherman voted ‘YES’

The pressure group said, “The bill which has already been passed by that ‘unhonorable’ people as per the Guinness Book of Records states that, President, Vice Presidents, Speakers, Justices, all members of the Legislature will receive 50% of their last salaries per annum if they are retired. The amount shall be paid in equal monthly instalments.”

Commenting further Green Revolution of Liberia asked questions to the Senators what constitute retirement. “If you where been angrily booted out by the people because of your insincerity, untrustworthiness, betrayal of the people’s trust, do that surmise to you been retired? The answer is no. And as such you cannot continue to receive pay that you never worked for. Even the nine years payment received as salaries, we are contemplating of taking a legal suit against you for receiving money under false pretenses.”

Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon voted ‘NO’

The Green Revolution of Liberia further went on to list the names of Senators who votes ‘YES’ for the bill that is intended to pay them huge amount of monies when they are no longer in the Senate as lawmakers for the people of Liberia.

The group named Senator Saah Joseph of Montserrado, Senator Steve Zargo of Lofa, Senator Joseph Jallah of Lofa, Senator Jim Tornonlah of Margibi, Senator Emmanuel Nuquay of Margibi, Senator Francis Paye of Rivercess, Senator Milton Teahjay of Sinoe, Senator Augustine Chea of Sinoe, Senator Gbleh-Bo Brown of Maryland, Senator Varney Sherman of Grand Cape Mount, Senator Simeon Taylor of Grand Cape Mount, Senator Numene Bartekwa of Grand Kru, Senator Marshall Dennis of Grand Gedeh, while Senate Pro Tempore Albert Chie is the progenitor of the bill.

Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence voted ‘NO’

“The people should now take their own destiny in their hands by voting these enemies of our country come October 2023,” the Green Revolution of Liberia said.

Meanwhile, IPNEWS gathered that few Senators voted ‘No’ against bill. Those Senators include Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, River Gee County Jonathan ‘Boye Charles’ Sogbie, among few others.

Margibi Senator J. Emmanuel Nuquay voted ‘YES’

Concluding, the Green Revolution of Liberia statement said, “They have let us down for the eight years, they have been living in luxury while we live in abject poverty and hardship, and they were busy signing and colluding with criminal concession companies against our interests all those years with no regards that tomorrow will come. They were busy buying and building mansions at our disadvantage, they sent their children abroad to attend the best schools why we are suffering here in harsh learning conditions, they travel to Ghana, India, Dubai and America for medical treatment while there are no medicines at various health centers, our roads are so bad but their personal bank accounts are overflowing. 

We can’t continue to sanction our own suffering by reelecting these excess baggage of wicked, cruel, greedy and selfish lawmakers. We have the trump card in our hands that come the October 2023 elections we must demonstrate that power lies in the hands of the people by voting these evil masterminds out of the Capitol Building.”

Grand Kru Senator Numene Bartekwa voted ‘YES’

It can be recalled when the Legislature first attempted to proffer such a Bill it was greeted with public backlashes, prompted them to cool off. At time the Legislature said then that the law had been languishing within their circle and that all they were doing was to review and see whether it was necessary to passed into law.

Few months later to the disbelief of Liberians, the Senate has passed the Bill, granting 50% remuneration of whatever salaries or benefits they make as lawmakers when they retire. It is not known whether President George Weah will sign it into law when it reaches his desk. Bookmakers are watching the process keenly.

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