‘Criminal Car Park Ticket Attendants’ on the Rampage – As LRA Staff Exposes Culprits; – Monrovia City Corporation’s Image Tainted

Crime Watch

‘Criminal Car Park Ticket Attendants’ on the Rampage – As LRA Staff Exposes Culprits; – Monrovia City Corporation’s Image Tainted

Two ‘criminal car park ticket attendants’  after the LRA staff exposed them of being on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

IPNEWS-Monrovia: When the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) under the watchful eyes of former City Mayor, Madam Mary Taryonnoh Broh introduce the Car Park Ticket Attendants program in the domain of Monrovia and surrounding areas, the intent was to regulate the parking of vehicles in central Monrovia and adjacent areas as well as generate revenue for the municipal government of the city.

From the onset the idea was not easily accepted by residents of and visitors to the city because of the fees being charged per hour or day, depending on how long a vehicle would be packed in a given space. But as time went by, the idea was accepted and it has since become a way of life for people of Monrovia and the visitors that come daily to attend to their respective businesses.

The positive side of the Car Park Ticket Attendants program have tend to reduce auto theft within the city, because whenever a ticket is placed on a vehicle the attendant stays around until the owner of that vehicle returns. If a different person with evil intent tries to pretend that a vehicle is his and wants to break in to take it away or steal valuable items from it, the Car Park Ticket Attendant will alarm. By and large, the Car Park Ticket Attendant program has kind of brought some positives.

But while the MCC’s Car Park Ticket Attendant program is yielding dividends in terms of generating revenue and at the time have created and still creating jobs for young Liberians, there are some bad elements within the system who have decided to blackmail vehicle owners and drivers by engaging in acts inimical to the good intent and spirit of the Car Park Ticket Attendants program.

The criminal car park ticket attendants on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

Impersonators have infiltrated the MCC system and colluded with some workers of the MCC and other Car Park Ticket Attendants entities, who the MCC outsourced a contract to administer the car park ticket attendants program, to deliberately steal from vehicle owners and drivers who park their vehicles in the right places, but these ‘criminal’ car park ticket attendants are in the habit of shackling vehicle tyres only to demand huge United States dollars before vehicle tyres are unshackled.

These ‘criminal MCC workers’ will ask for huge sums of United States dollar from vehicle owners and drivers and would threaten that if they don’t pay their vehicles will be towed and parked in the parking ground in Gardnersville, and will only be released to them if they pay US$150.00. And in most cases, vehicle owners and drivers who do not want to waste their time would end up giving these criminal car park ticket attendants to avoid going through the haul and pull as well as rigor of getting their vehicles towed and released.

Luck Finally Runs Out

The criminal car park ticket attendants on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

While these ‘criminal MCC car park ticket attendants’ have been having a field day for very, very long time blackmailing and extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers, their luck run ran out recently, to be precise in early March 2023, when they encountered a staff of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) by shackling his vehicle’s tyres despite parking in a proper place along the Japanese High Way around the Barnersville junction on the first occasion on March 11, 2023 and for the second time on March 18, 2023 around the Gardnersville Supermarket vicinity. Unfortunately, for these ‘criminal car park ticket attendants’ they did not realize that it was the same LRA staff that they had tried to blackmail and extort money from around Barnersville junction was the same person they attempted to blackmail and extort money from again this time around Gardnersville Supermarket area. But their luck ran out as they photos were captured and the LRA staff has decided to report them to the MCC or other relevant authorities so that their criminal activities in the name of the MCC can be nib in the bud.

See below two short stories of the LRA Staff’s Account regarding the ‘Criminal ‘MCC Car Park Ticket Attendants.


It’s Saturday afternoon, March 11. I am driving to the office. My stomach will boil, followed by a light pain. I know what it means. As usual, I will need some gas tablets to quell any further pain.  From the Barnersville Estate side, I will drive across the road towards Red-light at Barnersville Junction. I will park my Jeep off the bus stop to avoid any interference with the traffic and passersby.

One of the criminal car park ticket attendants  unshackles  the tyres of the LRA staff after he was exposed being on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

Here, there are no signs like “don’t park”, “don’t wait” or “don’t stop”. I will dart into the roadside drugstore and get my med. In less than two minutes I will be back, but the driver-side front and back tyres of my car will be shackled (locked).

I will be befuddled, but calm. I will see nobody around. Time is inching against me. I will stand by the car, thinking what to do, who to call.

In about a minute, I will see a young fellow moving towards me, talking aggressively. “Who told you to park your car here? You have violated city ordinance law and you will pay the price.” I will be speechless, looking and listening to him talking like a mouthy parrot. He will continue: “Papay, you either have to pay US$75 for us to free your car or we call the tow truck to carry it and you pay US$150 at the office.” He will be serious and authoritative.

Claiming to be a law enforcer, I will ask for his identity. He will flash his ID to me. He is a Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) Police officer with the rank of Patrolman. I will introduce myself to Kelvin Pajibo and let him know why I parked – that cars are always parked there and it’s safe. There are no signs preventing parking I will argue. He will be adamant and noisy, along with another – a non-uniformed guy.

One of the criminal car park ticket attendants  sits on his bike and await his criminal partner after they were exposed being on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers.

Legally, I know the MCC does not have jurisdiction over Gardnersville Township. How can its police be assigned here? Who sent him there? Besides, it’s a segment of the street for stopping, dropping off and temporarily parking.

I will asked for a written bill so I could go and pay later. They will fail to give me one. My time will be wasted. I will feel embarrassed and illegally detained.

I will place a call to one of the Directors at MCC and who will request Kelvin Pajibo’s identity. Lablah Lawrence (Lawrence Flomo) will ask me to give my phone to him for a talk. I will.

Before then, they will ask me to give them US$35, and later US$20, to let me go, since they now know I also work for the government. I will vehemently reject their offers and push to give them L$1000 (US$6USD), instead. I will know it is wrong to give them a dime, but I wanted them to get the shackles off my car. I am already running too late.

After talking with Lawrence Flomo for about 2 minutes, Kelvin will signal a put-it-off gesture to his colleague. He will come smiling for the first time. “Chief, just give us the L$1000 so you can go…you our chief…”

While counting the money to give them, Lawrence will send me a text not to give them a dime and also send me the number of Deputy MCC Police Director, Abraham Seh. Lawrence will call me to keep delaying so Kelvin and co will be arrested by a team being dispatched from the MCC. Immediately, Abraham will also call me to know the exact location, because Kelvin was now a wanted man.

Oh, it is too late. Kelvin, his colleague and a bike rider will leave the scene immediately after receiving the money and unlocking the car.  Little will I know that a fellow who had been prodding and courting me to comply as if he cares so much was part of the criminal syndicate – the bike rider.

Lawrence, Abraham and Pekeleh Prosperous Paye Gbuapaye (of the MCC Communication Department) called and assured me that Kelvin Pajibo will be arrested, penalized and/or ejected from the MCC Police. They have received many complaints against him and others.

One of the criminal car park ticket attendants  unshackles  the tyres of the LRA staff after he was exposed being on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

Kelvin is one of those many young individuals abusing opportunities to serve their country. He’s using the ID Card to build criminal syndicates, extort money from people in the name of the MCC (even to where the MCC does not have legality to function).

They are making Liberia DIRTY in the eyes of outsiders and insiders with criminal mechanisms. Many people are falling victims to him at Barnersville Junction and along the Japanese Freeway formerly Somalia Drive. He must be stopped, and I will follow up with the assurances from the MCC.

Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee didn’t send him to exploit us at our Barnersville Junction. We are outside Monrovia. Writes Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh


It’s another hot Saturday (March 18) in Monrovia. The criminal city parking gangs are out, messing up with the wrong man.

This time, it wasn’t Barnersville Junction like last Saturday, but Gardnersville Supermarket – just few (3km) away.

It’s around 2:20pm. I parked my car in the parking slot side the road to get me a power steering oil in the nearby shop. When I returned in three minutes, my car was shackled, just like last week.

This time, Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) Police patrolman Kelvin Pajibo is not there, but his two other accomplices from last week are the culprit. They refused to allow me get hold of their IDs to know them better.

After last Saturday’s incident, Pajibo was reportedly arrested, detained for two days and reassigned elsewhere with a different portfolio, the Deputy MCC Police Director, Abraham Seh, told me today. Another Director, Lawrence Flomo, also confirmed the decision.

So, the two guys who locked my vehicle claim to work for the Executive Parking Services which they said is based in Vai Town, Bushrod Island. I will look for the offices.

Initially, they didn’t know it was the same Kaihenneh and the same vehicle they locked last week, which led to the arrest and detention of Kelvin Pajibo.

When I asked for Pajibo and identified myself, they jittered and confirmed that Pajibo was no longer with them. “That man is not part of us. He works for the MCC.”

They begged me to disregard calling the MCC as one of them immediately rushed to remove the shackles from my car tyres. I threatened to take their photographs and publish them. “You know we deal with plenty people, but we already know you now. We will not try you again,” the one in the vest, noted.

They refused to answer why they were shackling people’s vehicles when they have no signs prohibiting parking and stopping in the bus stops/parking slots built along with the road.

Today, they are not asking for money as I spoke authoritatively, drawing a small crowd of onlookers. Instead, they are begging for me to lay the issue to rest. “Sir, we beg you….just get in your car. I will remove the lock; we already know you,” the one in the vest pleaded.

They immediately unshackled my car, got on their bike and fled the scene. It was late for them. I had cleverly snapped few photos of them.

Besides this publication, I intend to print their pictures and take them to the so-called Executive Parking Services offices – if they ever exist.

These guys are extorting money from people. Group of people came around to commend me for what happened and laughed at the guys as they fled the same.

Meanwhile, I should hasten to thank the MCC (Lablah Lawrence or Lawrence Flomo and Abraham Seh) for the disciplinary actions against Kelvin Pajibo, last week’s gang leader. Writes Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh

Public Calls on MCC to Act Swiftly to Nab ‘Criminals Car Part Ticket Attendants’ – Hails LRA Staff for Exposing Them

Meanwhile, several Liberians who read LRA staff, Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh’s account on his personal Facebook page have commended him for exposing the criminals who have infiltrate the MCC and other Car Park Ticket entities for selfish gains.

Two ‘criminal car park ticket attendants’  after the LRA staff exposed them of being on the rampage on Japanese Freeway extorting monies from vehicle owners and drivers

According to one Arthur Tucker, he says he has given up on the car park ticket attendants because he feels the authority have sat idly by and allow them to carry out their criminal activities. Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh, in his response to Arthur Tucker stated. “No need to give up. They will win and make our society chaotic and peaceful for all of us.”

Another Liberia, Sarwah Stewart George commented, “These extortionists are all along the Japan Freeway. Frank Sainwola and I dealt with them similarly few months ago. If our systems should work, leaders need to take discipline seriously.”

As for Peter Massaquoi, he was astonished: “Wow! Criminals are in every corner of our country Liberia. I busted one in Via Town opposite Jungle Water wholesale store in late February this year.”

In the case of James A. B. Brown, he said: “You got my support, thank you.” And for Dennis B Toe, he had this to say: “This is a great act on your part. I commend you ever so much for drawing public attention to this diabolical act of these criminals on bike. Some two years ago, I was a victim to them in Via Town on the eve of Independence Day. As I was in a hurry between my office and that of my lawyer, I couldn’t fight back but reluctantly paid $20usd to get back to the court in time. Since that day, I vowed never to allow such a cheap way of robbery to get in my way again. Thanks again Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh for the education.”

As for Thomas Wilbur Davis, he said: “Sorry to hear. But if I may ask: Who incorporated these criminals into the system? And for what motive? Koijee or whatever he calls himself is as guilty as those criminals. Sad times for Liberia!”

In response, Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh noted, “Thomas Wilbur Davis I am not blaming Jefferson T. Koijee … It’s those who are abusing the opportunities given to them to serve Liberia. Kelvin is one.”

Isaac G. Flomo said: “This is everyday’s harassment. Nobody knows who the real city police officers are. Their behaviors can be very annoying.” Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh – “Isaac G. Flomo they did it to the wrong man. It’s a wrong turn.”

In the case of Daniel B. Wehyee he said, “My Chief, I have been victimized on three occasions. At each of those scenes, I have been forced to pay 20USD. I unwillingly paid the requested amounts without issuance of a valid receipt. Thanks God that you survived their aggressive irons.”

As for William Tamba he said, “These guys almost victimized me at the same location. I called and texted Lawrence Flomo, my former workmate but he never answered my calls nor the text. These MCC criminals will forever remember what happened that afternoon. Non-sense!!”

As for Liberian journalist Samuel Doe he noted, “Okay thanks so much brother Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh for the brilliant narrative and the encounter you had with the MCC police officers. I also appreciate the bravery you displayed when in fact they wanted you unjustifiably pay USD75 as means to allow you walk away with your vehicle. But my disappointment with you is to see you succumbing to their demand and request to give them LD1000 without obtaining flag receipt. My question to you is, where did the money that you claimed you gave to those officers go?? Don’t you see your action as facilitating corruption?? I think it would have been prudent if you were to remain on your previous stance where you refused to give them USD75 they requested from you. But anyway this is Liberia.”

Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh: “Samuel Doe please read against why I paid the amount. I stated it clearly, and admitted that it was not to be done. To add, I had a traveling engagement as I am currently away. It was getting terribly late for me, and I was being awaited.”

Mamadee Bility: “I will always pray not to come in contact with these guys, their activities are not sanctioned by their bosses but, continue impunity is responsible why things are the way they are. They are never reprimanded when caught and that serves as a recipe for continuity. Where the bosses don’t acquiesce, there would be punishment to serve as deterrence…it is what it is, bro.”

Sam Zota: “There are too many ID cards bearing ‘Kelvins’ in that MCC police that need to be genuinely ejected. They continue to victimize the struggling people with criminal syndicates. Sadly, most of their victims don’t have the connections enough to report or complaint. They are all over the place.”

Torwon Sulonteh-Brown: “Thank God u have a contact for their bosses. I will call you when I need it because on many occasions I encounter them. They are a bunch of criminals especially the ones at ECOBANK in Sinkor. They hide themselves waiting to jump on their innocent prey. They place no signs of warning in areas they claim are prohibited. They use it to extort money from people illegally. We need to wage war against this practice because it is humiliating and time consuming. CRIMINALS THEY ARE. MCC needs to weed them out.”

Torwon Sulonteh-Brown: “Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh That’s who they are and their bosses are doing nothing about it.”

It remains to be seen is whether the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) will embark on a massive campaign to weed out these ‘criminal elements’ within their system who are bent on tainting the image of the City Corporation and other Car Park Ticket agencies. The bookmakers are watching…

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