Rise up to the Occasion to Turn up to Register-NCLCS Tells Liberians

Diaspora News

Rise up to the Occasion to Turn up to Register-NCLCS Tells Liberians

IPNEWS: As the much-publicized biometric voters’ registration (BVR) process kicks off Monday, March 20, 2023, the National Civil Society of Liberia (NCSCL) is craving the indulgence of eligibility Liberian voters to rise up to the occasion to turn up to register. 

NCSCL is the apex body of all civil society organizations in the country. 

As eligible Liberian voters get set to go to the poll on October 10, 2023 in consonance of Article 77(b) of the Liberian Constitution, the country’s electoral body, the National Elections Commission (NEC), will on Monday, March 20, 2023 begin phase one of the BVR process for the first six counties. 

The six counties include: Gbarpolu, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, Bassa, and Montserrado. Phase one will run from 20 March to April 9. Phase two will run from 21 April to 11 May with the rest of the other nine counties.

The Council in statement carved under the signature of its Chairperson Madam Loretta Alethea Pope-Kai, urged Liberians of voting ages to turn up in their numbers during the registration period to exercise their civil franchise. 

NCSCL maintains that owing to the critical importance of political participation to the growth and development of the country, eligible Liberian voters should take up the responsibility to form part of the ensuing political process. 

The Council indicates that the pending elections are test to the nation’s democracy, and as such, Liberians of voting ages must join the process to vote for the candidates of their choices. 

During the impending electoral process, Liberian voters will troop at all 2,080 voting precincts or 5,911 voting centers to vote for a President/Vice President, 73 Representatives and 15 Senators, whose tenures of offices would expire. 

“The National Civil Society Council hereby calls on eligible Liberian voters to turn up in their numbers to get registered during the course of the registration period begining Monday,” said the statement. 

At the same time, the Council is also calling on the National Elections Commission to provide regular updates of the BVR process and all other processes leading to the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections. 

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