22-Year-Old Man Gets Life Imprisonment for Murdering Girlfriend in LPRC Community Gardnerville


22-Year-Old Man Gets Life Imprisonment for Murdering Girlfriend in LPRC Community Gardnerville

By: Jacqueline L. Dennis

A 22 year old man identified as Valington Kaiser has been sentenced to life imprisonment by Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie of Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia on Thursday March 9, 2023, for murdering his girlfriend Fatu Blasuah in the LPRC Community Gardnerville.

The Life imprisonment sentence given by Judge Willie against convict Kaiser was based on a guilty verdict by the trial Jurors on March 1, 2023.

Judge Willie, also ordered the Clerk of the Court to inform the Superintendent of the Monrovia Central Prison to effect the ruling.

He said in his final judgement that due to the fact and circumstance, the prosecution proved their case beyond all reasonable doubt, indicating that it was based on the proof that led the trial Jurors to bring down defendant Kaiser guilty.

According to him, that under the Penal Code of Liberia, section 14.1 A&B states that “a person is guilty of murder if he or she purposely or knowingly causes the death of another person or causing the death of another human being under circumstances and extern in different.

However, after Judge Willie’s rulings the defense lawyer accepted the ruling but announced an appeal to the Supreme Court of Liberia.

It can be recalled on March 1, 2023, defendant Kaiser was brought down guilty by trial Jurors at Criminal Court “A” for murdering his girlfriend Fatu Blasuah.

A twelve-man jury was selected to go in their room of deliberation and returned with a verdict of not guilty or guilty, but in this instance case, ten went against the defendant with guilty decision while two came in his favor with not guilty decision of the crime of murder.

It can be recalled that the grand jury for Montserrado county of Liberia indicated defendant Kaiser for the alleged crime of murder.

The indictment said that on May 15, 2022 at 7:38 pm in the LPRC Community Gardnerville Township, Montserrado county Republic of Liberia defendant Valington B. Kaiser alias Bishop killed the deceased Fatu Blasuah.

According to the indictment, defendant Kaiser went to a zinc structure and entered it, followed by the deceased Fatu Blasuah in the zinc structure. It was established that defendant Kaiser stabbed the deceased multiple times with a green handle knife on her neck and hands, making her to bleed profusely until her death.

When the case was called for hearing the defendant Kaiser pleaded not guilty to the crime of murder after the indictment was read by the Clerk of the Court.

On February 24, Kaiser admitted to being seen in a CCTV footage that was displaced in court that led to the murder of the Fatu Blasuah in cool blood. But he denied that he was not the one seen in the video during the night hours when the victim was killed, but admitted that the CCTV footage during the day was him.

During convict Kaiser testimony while on the witness stand in his own defense told court that he did not kill his girlfriend Fatu, indicating that when his late girlfriend came from her Chicken Soup factory gulf residence, they both went to his aunt’s place and he later escorted her on the road where she took a motorbike home.

He further told court that his deceased girlfriend Fatu prior to her death informed him that she was expected to travel to the United States of America in July of 2022 when the accident occurred on May 15, 2022.

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