WEAH ENHANCES ACADEMIC SPACE  –Dedicates New Annex at Boatswain High


WEAH ENHANCES ACADEMIC SPACE  –Dedicates New Annex at Boatswain High

When President George Weah delivered his final State of the Nation Address (SONA) in this Presidential term of Office to the 54th Legislature in their 6th session on January 30th, 2023 at the Capitol, he told the lawmakers, Liberians and international partners that the Government of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) made significant interventions in a number of sectors including Health, Education, Social Development Services, Energy and Environment in the year under review.

In the health sector, the President said Government spent about $17.3 million US dollars on vaccines and vaccine-related supplies; COVID-19 vaccination administration; and drugs and medical consumables.

In the education sector, he disclosed Government spent nearly $38.9 million US dollars on tuition-free policy; renovation of public universities; WASSCE and Junior High School examinations; the “Support to Closing Teachers Salary Gaps” project; and support to the Engineering College.

In the social development sector, President Weah revealed that his government spent around $12.8 million US dollars on the County Tour Implementation & Spot Checks; the National County Meet tournament; the completion of the Omega & Duala Market projects; the continuation of the Albino Society Headquarters construction; and our contribution to the National County Projects through the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE).

In the energy sector, he pointed out that Government spent about $29.7 million US dollars on CLSG Payment, streetlights, & LEC transformer projects, as well as the River Gee Hydropower Project.

The Education Sector

There have been enormous challenges confronting the Government of Liberia when it comes to the Education Sector of the country. Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf even described it as a complete ‘Mess’ apparently due to the low standard at the time within the sector.

The issue of infrastructure at various public school in terms of space to accommodate eager young Liberians who want to enroll has also affected learning activities at most public schools.

As so, when the George Weah’s administration decided to infuse money into upgrading public schools in Liberia, it is said it was in the interest of giving public schools an uplift as far as infrastructure is concerned.

At his SONA to the 54th Legislature on January 30, 2023, President Weah disclosed that to boost the education sector, his Government spent nearly $38.9 million US dollars on tuition-free policy; renovation of public universities; WASSCE and Junior High School examinations; the “Support to Closing Teachers Salary Gaps” project; and support to the Engineering College.

One of such public institutions is the Boatswain High School on Jamaica Road on Bushrod Island.

On Friday, February 17, 2023 President Weah dedicated a newly constructed annex at the famous Boatswain High School on Jamaica Road, accomplishing another monumental milestone in revamping the country’s education sector, a Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism statement said.

Boatswain High School has been operating as a junior high since its construction in 1968 during the administration of late President William V.S. Tubman.

With the construction of the new annex, on Friday, February 17, 2023, Boatswain is now poised to run a full senior high school under the aegis of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS).

Making brief remarks before cutting the ribbon to the new Annex dedication ceremonies, President Weah described the effort as a milestone accomplishment that aligns with the government’s quest to revamp the education sector and to give students opportunities to advance and prepare themselves for future leadership.

Reflecting on his very difficult journey in acquiring secondary education, something he blamed on lack of opportunity at the time, President Weah said he could not sit supinely while contemporary students endure tough times getting education.


The President asserted that he would do everything within his powers to ensure that Liberian students get the needed opportunities to pursue their dreams and to become future leaders in all fields of persuasion.

After pursuing and acquiring college education abroad, he said he made the deliberate choice to come back home to lend support to making Liberia a better place for all, where every child aspiring for education will be given the opportunity to harness their wishes.

The President extolled the leadership of the MCSS headed by Mr. Isaac Saye-Lakpoh Zawolo for the excellent job being done to contribute to the improvement of the education sector.

The President also thanked parents for their patience and resilience in supporting their children to remain in school.

He craved the support and cooperation of parents to enable the government to realize its goals of bettering the education sector and improving the wellbeing of the Liberian people.

This is the second time in a month President Weah has cut ribbon to newly refurbished schools, the first being the King Gray Elementary School in the ELWA Community about three weeks ago.

President Weah Dedicates Public School in King Gray – Fulfilling another Promise in Education Sector

In can be recalled on Thursday, January 26, 2023, President George Weah also fulfilled yet another significant milestone promise in the education sector with the dedication of the King Gray Public School in Paynesville.

The newly constructed King Gray Public School is located in the ELWA Community.

It can be recalled that the project started on October 5, 2022, by the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) after the President ordered the reconstruction after seeing it in a terrible state of ruin.

The newly constructed school consists of eight classes, twelve-compartment latrines, and a principal office. It also contains a spacious office for the Registrar, a teacher lounge, two teacher washing rooms. Each of the classes contains a front porch.

Over 2,000 students within Paynesville and its surroundings are expected to enroll at the school, which runs morning, afternoon, and evening sessions.

Speaking to Reporters minutes after cutting the ribbon, President Weah said he was happy to dedicate the new school facility, terming it fulfillment of another promise.

He said the dedication of the school is the government’s way of promoting the education sector and also enhancing students’ quest for education.

The President opined that the new school will give the students a huge urge and impetus to return to school and continue their learning process.

“We came here last year and saw the need to do something because the initial structure was dilapidated,” the President said in remarks before the dedication. “I’m very glad that we are doing our best to fulfill and deliver on promises made to our people.”

The President reiterated his government’s commitment to progressively delivering on every promise made to the people of Liberia.

“We have a long list of projects, and we are doing everything to touch everywhere possible,” he stressed.

The Liberian Leader urged the community and school administration to ensure good maintenance of the facility while also expressing disappointment over the poor and unkempt manner in which most recently constructed facilities are kept.

Government Keen on Improving Educational Sector

Government is keen on improving the educational sector and is making significant strives to make that happen, the President stated to the 54th Legislature during the SONA.

Dedication of the King Gray School in district #6 Montserrado County.

The government is also focused on Vocational and Technical education to build and develop the skills of citizens across the country.

The following are being renovated and constructed, according to the Government.

  • Monrovia Vocational Training Center
  • Tubman High School
  • Cape Palmas High School
  • The TVET Teachers Center for Professional Training or Center of Excellence.
  • The Business and Domestic Occupational Training Center (BDOTC)
  • The Tumutu Agricultural and Vocational Training Center (TAVTC)
  • The Harbel Multilateral High School (in progress).

It can be recalled recently President Weah stated that: “Education is the cornerstone for our national development agenda and the pathway to a brighter future for our young people. It will empower them to create opportunities for themselves, their communities, and for our country. The development and improvement in Liberia’s human capital has emerged as the biggest generational challenge we face.”

He also disclosed that his government has endorsed an Education Sector Plan which has been developed by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with his Administration’s development partners. “This Plan,” according to the President, “which will span five years, from 2023 – 2027, summarizes our vision for turning education around in Liberia. I am confident that it will be a powerful tool to mitigate the current challenges in the education system, as it provides a strategic roadmap for the achievement of the key education policy goals of the Government over the next five years.”

President Weah’s Administration is and has spent those millions of dollars in an effort to fix the “messy” educational sector that his predecessor, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, once described.

President Sirleaf had branded Liberia’s education system “a mess” requiring a complete overhaul, after all 25,000 high school students sitting the state-run University of Liberia’s entrance exams failed.

The UL authorities had said the week before that not a single applicant had achieved the minimum grade for admission, highlighting one of the many problems facing the country following years after the end of a devastating civil war.

“The students’ failure did not come from the university, but rather from the schools that prepared them. The result is alarming,” former President Sirleaf had said. “It tells me that the educational system is a mess.”

Speaking further, President Weah disclosed that the Education Sector Plan will require Government to commit more than US$500 million over the next five years. He added: “As Government revenue increases as forecast, my proposal is that we should devote an increasingly larger share of these new revenue streams to this new plan, in order to secure the future of our young people in Liberia.”

However, the success of this Plan will depend not only on the Ministry of Education, but also on the goodwill and commitment of all education stakeholders, government ministries and agencies, and the full participation, contribution and cooperation of all Liberians and foreign residents in Liberia.

“Therefore, I want to encourage all of us to join our collective efforts together in working vigorously to achieve the targets identified in the Education Sector Plan 2023 – 2027 in order to make our education sector better.”

The President also reported his joy that the latest school enrollment data has shown a massive improvement in the gender gap between male and female students in the education system in the country: 49.5% are female, while males constitute 50.5%. “This is quite impressive and represents the fulfillment of a major goal of my Administration, which is to ensure that women have equal access to education as their male counterparts. 

“Also, the school data shows that there has been an increase in the number of schools in the country by 20% percent, with teachers numbering more than 60,000 although a significant proportion of them are volunteers. In order to address this situation my Administration has been accelerating efforts in recent years to reduce that number by employing hundreds of volunteers. 

“With the various interventions the government has made in the sector aimed at improving access and quality, it comes as no surprise that Liberian students have shown remarkable performance improvements in the WASSCE and WACE exams.”

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