Senate Gets Jittery Over Delay in Electoral Process


Senate Gets Jittery Over Delay in Electoral Process

–Invites NEC Board of Commissioners

Even though Liberia goes to elections in October 2023, and the National Elections Commission (NEC), has commenced processes leading to the conduct of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, the Plenary of the Liberian Senate says it is yet to be convinced with the pace of preparedness, especially the much-publicized Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) process.

The Plenary of the Liberian Senate unanimously voted to invite the entire Board of Commissioners of NEC to appear before it to provide further details about its preparation, specifically as it relates to BVR process.

The decision by plenary was predicated upon a motion raised by Grand Bassa County Senator Jonathan Kaipay, following the reading of a communication from Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, also of Gran Bassa.

“Mr. Pro Temp, Distinguished colleagues, having listened to the reading of the communication by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence of Grand Bassa County, I move, and if I can obtain a second, that this body invites the Board of NEC next Thursday before a committee of the whole by 1pm, to tell us their level of preparation for the elections, especially the issue that has to do with Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) process,” said Senator Kaipay in his motion.

Accordingly, Sen. Karnga-Lawrence, in her communication to Plenary, solicited the consent of the Plenary to invite Members of the Board of Commission of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to appear before this August body and state the preparedness of the commission to conduct the 2023 presidential and legislative elections without impediments.

“Mr. President Pro-Tempore and Distinguish Colleagues: The ensuring October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative elections present yet another historic opportunity for Liberia to foster a continuous path of sustained peace and democratic governance under the rule of law. To achieve this momentous accomplishment, the 2023 elections must be conducted in a credible, transparent, free, and fair manner as guaranteed by the new elections law of Liberia,” stated Sen. Karnga-Lawrence in her communication.

“Given the above, I would like to draw the plenary’s attention to the ability, and preparedness of the National Election Commission (NEC) to conduct the pending elections as there are already visible indications that the NEC is running against time on the conduct of the nationwide biometric voter registration exercise. As leaders, the onus is upon us to address these concerns to avoid problems on and or after Election Day,” the communication furthered.

“Sincerely, as always, I herewith solicit the consent of the Plenary to invite Members of the Board of Commission of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to appear before this August body and state the preparedness of the commission to conduct the 2023 presidential and legislative elections without impediments,” added the Grand Bassa County Senator in her letter to Plenary.

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