Scarcity of Water: A Nightmare of the Dried Season

Food & Nutritions

Scarcity of Water: A Nightmare of the Dried Season

The wells have gone dried again and residents of Monrovia and its environs have to wake up as early as possible to go in search of water wherever they can find it.

With many homes lacking pipe borne running water, men, women and children are compelled to get off their beds almost every day to go in search of water.

Some carry their empty gallons in their hands, while others load them on vehicles during the search for the precious commodity.

It happens every year when the summer or dried season becomes a nightmare for residents of Monrovia and its environs, who have to struggle to get water to do their household chores.

Even when they are lucky to get enough water, they have to ration it among their respective family members to ensure that it last for a longer period.

Not only residential buildings that face this nightmare, but also buildings housing government ministries and agencies where bathrooms do not have water for several days and sometimes weeks.

At the Capitol Building, home of the Liberian Legislature, some employees and visitors use the back of the buildings as urinary because there is no water in many of the bathrooms.

At almost all ministries and agencies of the Government, including Finance and Development Planning, Foreign Affairs and ministerial complex, hired individuals and employees use elevators to deliver gallons of water to offices if there is electricity and if not, tote the water on their heads.

For the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, LWSC, the agency of the government responsible for the supply of water to homes and communities, does not have the capacity and requisite financial and logistical resources to cope with the high demand of water mainly during the summer or dried season. David N. Targbe writes

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