Rep. Edward Karfiah tops Bong County polls

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Rep. Edward Karfiah tops Bong County polls

IPNEWS: As the 2023 political races heat up across the country, we are interested in the standing of politicians running for the Senate in the country’s six most important constituencies; Bong, Bassa, Margibi, Nimba, Montserrado, and Lofa.

To kick off our assessments, the Independent Probe’s political desk deployed 20 data collectors for two weeks in late January 2023, they worked undercover and spoke to 1,200 respondents from the county, to throw light on the standing of the candidates.


The first question was if the elections were held tomorrow, who will you elect as Senator of Bong County?

Surprisingly, 60% of poll respondents say they will vote for Karfiah if elections were to be held tomorrow.

The question above is one of the ten strategic questions we posed to voters ahead of the upcoming Senatorial elections in Bong County as a temperature checker.

Interestingly, 80% of those who said they will vote for Karfiah were women or young men under 35 which suggest that Karfiah who is a former lecturer at Cuttington University in Suacoco has a strong hold on the women and youths of Bong County.

In answering our pre-election poll questions, 90 percent of voters polled from the lower Bong Districts of Fuama, Sanoyea, and Salala told our field workers that they can only elect Karfiah.

Analysts say the people of lower Bong County feel cheated out of the county’s leadership as currently, the two Senators representing the county are both from the Upper Bong region. Independent Probe will continue to asses race and other races in the nation’s six biggest counties; Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Margibi, Bassa, and Montserrado.

Vocational training, scholarships, health care, and roads were the things voters sampled listed as their top priorities.

Talking to prominent Bong County analysts about our findings, we were told that the poll reflects Karfiah’s massive investment in the county starting in his home district, Electoral District 5, and his passion for women’s economic empowerment.

As these are still early days and we are starting to hear of other emerging candidates, we continue to track developments and share the insights with you our readers.

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