Pres. Weah Acknowledges Quality Communication Is Key to Effective Governance


Pres. Weah Acknowledges Quality Communication Is Key to Effective Governance

President George Weah addresses members of the Communications Team of Gov’t at the Farmington Hotel Retreat

Speaking at a one-day Retreat of the Communications Team of the Government of Liberia at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County, President George Weah acknowledged the importance of quality communication which he noted is key to effective governance.

“Let me begin by thanking you all for gathering here today in order to deliberate on ways you can enhance the quality of your work as members of the Communications Team of our Government. This demonstrates your desire to sharpen your skills and make corrections where needed,” the President said to Government Publication Relations Officers among others.

Commenting further the Liberian Chief Executive pointed out: “I need not emphasize how important quality communication is to effective governance. It serves as a medium of information dissemination, while also giving us the opportunity to counteract deliberate misinformation, a phenomenon that has become quite frequent and prevalent these days. 

It is very important that you take this opportunity now to improve the quality of your communication skills, especially as we approach the presidential and legislative elections in October this year.”

President further indicated as everyone is aware, the lack of proper information can be a recipe for violence and chaos.  And as the country prepares to conduct such a crucial exercise, “we must put in the necessary measures that will ensure that the process is peaceful and transparent. This is a cause to which I am committed, and a promise that I am determined to keep.

President George Weah poses with members of the Communication Teams of Government at the Farmington Hotel Retreat in Margibi County

But I need not lecture you about the consequences of not communicating effectively because you are the experts. So I will be counting on you to do the needful.  I believe that it is a fair assessment to acknowledge that, as a government, we have been wanting in this arena.”

Cautioning the Government Communication Teams, the President reminded that he is well aware of the operations of media as he is a media manager and owner of media institution as well. “All of you know that I am a media manager myself; so I know a thing or two about the benefits one stands to accrue from communicating well.  King’s FM and Clar TV, broadcasting stations that I founded and operated some years ago, still managed to give their listeners alternative views about the state of governance in Liberia some years back, in spite of measures to stifle their voices.  Our messaging was timely, accurate, and impactful.   In this era of social media, one must work overtime to correct the flood of fake news that spreads like wildfire all over the internet.”

Concluding the Liberia leader reminded the Communication Teams of the Government to remain mindful of their responsibility and rise to the challenge because improper communication is as bad as no communication at all.  “This is something that we cannot afford in a post-conflict society like ours.”

President noted it was his hope that the Retreat at Farmington Hotel of the Communication Teams of the Government will serve the important purpose of filling the gap between fake news and the truth while also augmenting their skills and knowledge before wish them a fruitful and meaningful deliberations.

On Saturday, February 18, 2023, the communications team of the Government of Liberia convened at a retreat outside Monrovia to discuss plans and strategies to guide its activities for the ensuing year.

The gathering, which brought together GOL’s lead communication stakeholders – including those from MICAT, ELBC, and the Office of the Presidential Press Secretary – was held at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County. The one-day event examined challenges that have tended to inhibit effective coordination, while charting a way forward.

“This will serve as an opportunity to harmonize the tasks of the various teams in order to achieve optimum productivity”, Information Minister Ledgerhood J. Rennie has said. He emphasized that the discourse was candid and interactive, as well as draw on the experiences and knowledge of the expert presenters.

The retreat was also graced by Maritime Commissioner Eugene Lenn Nagbe, Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah, as well as Gender Minister Williametta Piso Saydee Tarr.

Veteran Liberian journalist Aaron Kollie served as Facilitator.

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