Stakeholder Rally Support for Menstrual Hygiene in All Public & Private Facility

Diaspora News

Stakeholder Rally Support for Menstrual Hygiene in All Public & Private Facility

By Taisiah K. Merfee

Stakeholders in Liberia are rallying support from central government in other to make sanitaria and hygiene materials for all public and privates schools and public facility throughout the country for the overall prevention of some illness that women and girls normally encounter.

Appearing as guest on the OK FM 99.5 Morning Rush Show, Liberia Family Planning 2030 Youth focal point said women of childbearing age constitute approximately 23 percent of Liberia’s 3.5 million population.

Jotumue Doetein said the population growth rate is estimated at 2.1 percent with a total fertility rate of 4.6 percent and teenage pregnancy rate of 38 percent, complications during pregnancy and childbirth remain the leading causes of death and disability among women of reproductive age.

He said for those Liberians out there do not know how Menstrual Hygiene is important to the overall development of women and girls, menstruation is part of female life, they have realized that if they can control the process it will help them get children in the feature.

According to him some of the girls in Liberia drop out of school because of lack of access to sanitary pads at these public and private schools in Liberia and there is a need acquire support from national government for those schools and public area.

The one-time Children Parliament Speaker said it is time that everyone gets involved in this fight, “we need to show our mothers and sisters support and care for because when they are in that mood they always feels shame if stakeholders can help it will be very bad for the women and girl and the fight will be undermined.”

At the same time, making her contribution on the show on Wednesday February 15, in Monrovia Bong County District #6 Representative said girls and women in Liberia do not really have access to these things and thereby causing them problems with their health needs.

According to Representative Moima Briggs-Mensah, every woman and girl one way of the other have passed through these processes, before it used to be secret for girls and women to tell others that they are in their menstrual circle.

The Bong County Lawmaker said the issue of sanitary pads needs to be free for all women and girls, normally most girls do not go to school because of shame.

She said most of the public schools and private schools do not have these things in their facilities and they are still charging the students more fees, thereby causing women and girls more embracement, and there should be tax waiver on sanitary and menstrual pads.

Mr. Jotumue Doetein

She said these stuffs are been sold in most of the local shops for LRD 250 and it is time that President George Weah help in that direction by placing Executive Order on these materials in other to make it accessible and affordable throughout the country.

“Every month, 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate. Millions of these girls, women, transgender men and non-binary persons are unable to manage their menstrual cycle in a dignified, healthy way.

The onset of menstruation means a new phase – and new vulnerabilities – in the lives of adolescents. Yet, many adolescent girls face stigma, harassment and social exclusion during menstruation. Transgender men and non-binary persons also face discrimination due to their gender identity, depriving them of access to the materials and facilities they need.

Gender inequality, discriminatory social norms, cultural taboos, poverty and lack of basic services like toilets and sanitary products can all cause menstrual health and hygiene needs to go unmet.”

She added that Remover of Taxes on menstrual pads will keep the country moving in the right direction because the issue of health is human rights for all citizens.

“This has far-reaching consequences for millions of people. It restricts their mobility and personal choices. It affects attendance in school and participation in community life. And it compromises their safety, causing additional stress and anxiety. These challenges are particularly acute in humanitarian crises.

Menstrual health and hygiene interventions can help overcome these obstacles. Not only do they fulfil the unmet demand for menstrual hygiene products; they also protect dignity, build confidence, and strengthen sexual and reproductive health, particularly among adolescents.”

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