Public Works Minister to Appear Before the Senate Today

Diaspora News

Public Works Minister to Appear Before the Senate Today

The Minister of Public Works, Ruth Coker-Collins, is expected to appear before the Senate Committee of a Whole on Thursday, February 16, 2023 to provide explanation on how the 2022 road fund was utilized, reflecting counties and cities across the country.

Minister Collins should have appeared last Thursday but did not due to a letter of excuse she  wrote to the Plenary of the Senate indicating that she was appearing before the Joint Committee of the Ways, Means, Finance and Budget Committee for budget hearing.

Minister Collins is expected by now, to have submitted all necessary documents relative to the road funds including statistics on the construction of roads and bridges in each County.

Meanwhile, the Senate Committee on Public Works and Rural Development, will conduct a public hearing on three proposed Acts on February 16, 2023 in the Chamber of the Liberian Senate.

The Acts include, An Act to Establish the Engineering Society of Liberia (ESOL) Act of 2021; and An Act to Establish Liberia Institute of Architect 2022; as well as an Act to Establish the Association of Liberia Construction Contractors 2022; among others.

The hearing is expected to bring together, authorities of the Ministry of Public Works, Engineering Society of Liberia, Construction Contractors as well as other stakeholders in the construction sector.

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